Epilogue + Note

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(Hey guys! Kindsong here! I'm sorry for switching books! I'm just chasing the ADHD urge to switch whenever!)

Alec is an Enderwraith, similar to an enderman, but very different. For starters, they're white and made of cartilage, while enderman are black and made of bone with slits that blood seeps out of. Enderwraiths also have green to blue blood and eye color, while enderman have red to purple blood and eye color.

In a Woodland Forest - 11:30AM

Alec sat in a branch of a tree, listening to music through her headphones. They hum along, their mind wandering. A growl reminds them of their hunger, and they leap down from the branch to find a snack, whether it be some berries to juicy, raw human flesh.

A scent wafts through the air, which Alec quietly follows. They stay low to the ground, their ears twitching with every sound they pick up. The scent is like that of a sheep, but tickles like magic often does.

Oh, a portal. A sheep-like creature(mareep) quietly grazes on the other side, barely paying attention. In Alec's hungered state, they make the horrible choice to leap through the portal, ending up in a completely different world with me way out.

PokéwraithTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon