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"You know imma get you back for that shit you pulled in the store with Ava." I heard August voice rang out from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch in my living room, with a bowl of spicy Top Ramen. I always add extra hot sauce I'm a spice type of person.

Flipping through the channels I decided on the newest episode of Power. I had completely had forgotten that August was even here until he came to come sit next to me.

"Oh shit Power on?"

I hate it when people ask question when the answer is so obvious. I mean like do you not see it on the screen right in front of you. I sighed and just nodded my head as I slurped my noodles not even caring if some of the hot juices splashed on my chest.I could feel him starring at me even though I hadn't taken my eyes off of the screen.

"What Anthony?" I hate people starring at me to me its nothing worse.

"Don't what me I know you heard me. Didn't ya mom's ever tell you that its rude not to speak when spoken to." I rolled my eyes he can really be a pain in the ass

"Okay One." I paused Power and hit the recording but sense I knew with him here I'd never finish watching the episode.

"No, I didn't have a mother to teach me those things smart ass." He was so aggy and I wanted to wipe that stupid ass smirk he had on his face. It only mad me more aggravated

"Two" I said counting on my fingers "Didn't your mother ever tell you to treat a lady with respect." Im pretty sure my face looked sour. I wasn't heated but I was more irritated than anything

"Oh wait im sorry, You probably don't even know what respect means." I rolled my eyes again and turned away from him crossing my arms over my chest. I could hear him laughing on the other end of the couch and I looked over stale facing him. I didn't see shit funny in this situation.

I watched as he actually sat there and laughed until he started coughing. Reaching for his water bottle I starred as he took a sip. I was never one to really look at peoples appearance's but August sure as hell ugly. I was actually quite surprised when I looked at his attire noticing it for the first time. He was clothed in a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and some huff plant life socks and a DOPE snapback. I was shocked it was weird seeing him with normal clothes on or should I say casual. August was never one to dress in casual clothing you'd see him in strictly all suits and dress shoes.

"See somethin' you like Ma?" His voice said I could hear a smirk in it. I came back to reality and shook my head no.

" Mhm , Okay yeah just pretend like you wasn't just eyein' a nigga." I laughed cause I knew he'd catch me.

"Ah, Now there's that pretty smile." He came closer to me wrapping me in a embrace.

"August you know you drive my crazy right." I buried my face in his neck talking softly.

"Well just keep on your seatbelt." He laughed.

"Ugh your so corny get away from me." I laughed pushing off of him.

He winked and smiled at me, I couldn't take him serious though so I laughed and he soon joined in. See these are the moments I like the moments where we can just be ourselves just August being August and Leeko just being Leeko.

"Hey, Um I gotta go Ava just called me." He shrugged and got up looking down at me.

"What she cant go to sleep without he knight in shinning amour." I said in a teasing tone.

"Leeko hush anyways you gon' be good by yourself ma?"

"August I can handle myself, You do know that there was this thing called B.A. right?" I said in all seriousness

"B.A.?...the fuck is a B.A.?"

"Before August." I laughed as he stale faced me.

"Yea whatever, anyways ill call you tomorrow maybe we can do something."

I shrugged plopping down on the couch. He say that every time he leaves and he never follows through I don't even know why he even tries sometimes.

"Leeko  c'mon Ma." He said trying to touch my shoulder but I shrugged him off.

"August.....Just please go." I was in no mood to talk anymore and I'm pretty sure my noodles are now cold.

"Ba-" (GCO)

"AUGUST PLEASE...." I closed my eyes and calmed down making my voice quieter. "Please just....just go."

He smacked his lips and grabbed his stuff mumbling things under his breath that I couldn't make out. After like 4 minute's he finally left and I was by myself. I kicked my feet up on the couch and pressed play on the episode of Power it was now 11pm and I was getting a little sleepy. I cursed myself for not being able to watch my show but called it a night and turned off the tv. I got up and put the bowl of noodles in the kitchen sink cutting off all lights as I made my way upstairs not even caring to take a shower. I was drained and all I wanted to do was to crawl in my sheets and go to bed.

Getting in bed and pulling the sheets over my head I fell into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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