Winter-Horrorland? ❄️

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Warnings: fluff I guess, sarcastic remarks, jealousy, flip flop between different points of View, English is not my first language, therefore I apologize for any mistakes.
Word count: 4,3k

December 1933

You sit at your desk in your room and gaze out of the window as you watch big white snowflakes fall from the sky and paint the world white. The smell of freshly baked cookies wafts through the entire house and makes your stomach growl. Winter always has something magical about it, even though all of the Christmases you can remember are everything but. You haven't celebrated Christmas as a family of four in a very very long time. Either, it's your mom working or your dad passed out in the living room. But most of the time it's both.

You're 15 now and have come to realize how terrible this all truly is than you believed as a 10-year-old. Your sister, Lucy is 15 and you've noticed the drastic change in your dad's behavior towards her. He was never this bad to either of you than he is now.

A loud knock at your door pulls you out of your own thoughts and before you know it, your sister comes in, the bruise on her forehead still visible from yesterday. Despite being two years younger than Lucy, you've never felt like the younger sister. Back when you were still a child it was clear as the day who's older and who feels more the need to protect the other one. These days, it's an equality. But just for you; Lucy still wants to protect you from anything. She still sees you as the little innocent girl who snuck into her room when the yelling downstairs got too loud. You'll always be that girl to her who she needed to comfort when your dad hurt you.

"Steve and Bucky are outside. They want to go to the lake," she tells you and this might have made your whole day. You reach under your bed and grab your ice skates before rushing out of the room. But then you stop abruptly and you turn around to your sister who is looking slightly sad. Unlike you, she doesn't have those close friends. She has one girl at school who she gets along with pretty good but that's it; at school. Lucy doesn't have anyone to spend her free time with but now that you've got older, you've started to realize how hard this must be for Lucy. "You can come with us, if you want." You suggest and give her a comforting smile, "the others won't mind. And Bucky is your age, too."

A wide, grateful smile appears on her face and she nods eagerly, "yes, thank you," she wraps you in a quick but tight hug and runs off to get her own ice skates.


Lucy and I walk outside and see Buck and Steve waiting for us. They both greet my sister and we all make our way to the frozen lake. All of the kids from the neighborhood go there once the ice is thick enough to skate, so it's no surprise dozens of children are already skating on the lake once we arrive. Most of them are our age so that's fine.

We all change from our street shoes to our skates and make our way on the ice, "where's Mary?" I look at Bucky when he asks us and, again, feel sorry for his unrequited love. It's hard for him to spend time with Mary since she lives on the rich side of the city; on the other side from ours. Fortunately, our school is exactly in the middle and that's how she could convince her parents to sign her up to the same school me and the boys would go.

"She couldn't make it," I tell him while I skate over to Steve who catches me by my hands to prevent me from falling. I'm good at skating, but terrible at slowing down without falling. "She attends a Christmas charity event with her parents," I continued to explain but he wasn't even listening to me. Probably stopped paying attention to me after my first half of the sentence. "Do you know this guy?" Steve suddenly asks me after we begin skating again. I follow the way he's pointing to and see Lucy talking to a boy her age while they're strapping on their ice skates. It takes me a moment to recognize him but as soon as I do, I smile, "that's Danny. Danny Walker." Steve still looks confused at me even after adding the last name. I giggle, "Danny Walker. He's Rafe McCawley's best friend." That's when a light goes on and he widens his eyes in realization, "right. Danny and Rafe..." Rafe lives with his father a few blocks away from our neighborhood and his neighbor is Danny. They're never seen without the other, it's like they're glued to each other. I can't really say I'm friends with them but every time I see them, we get along wonderfully. And they're both really cute if I'm being honest.

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