Glass Houses

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"So why did you have to transfer schools at the last minute?" Chris asked with genuine concern. "I'm sure you know it's kind of risky." As happy as he was that Elline needed his help, he also felt bad for her that she had to go through all the hassle it entailed.

"Well, my dad has a lot of businesses that require his presence." She didn't smile as much when talking about her dad's business. "I've been homeschooled almost my entire life. The only time I go to a formal institution is when I need to get a few units credited for certain subjects."

After a few more minutes, they turned a corner leading to a more luxurious residential area. The houses had green lawns with trimmed hedges, and almost every house they passed had a couple of children running around outside. Matt made a few more turns before pulling up into the driveway of what must have been one of the larger houses in the area. Chris whistled at the sight of Elline's home.

As they reached the front door, Matt stepped in front of them to open it. Chris was about to nod at Matt when he noticed the tall man standing before him. Broad chest, strong arms and shoulders, and an air of authority about him. If not for his long black hair, Chris would have assumed he was in the military. Either way, he wasn't sure what was worse: that this man was Elline's bodyguard or her father.

"Hello, my dear," the big man said affectionately. She stood on tiptoe to give the man a kiss on the cheek right before gesturing to Chris to come closer.

"And you must be Chris," said the man in a formal yet friendly tone while offering his hand. "I'm Thomas, Elline's father."

Chris's grip melted in Thomas's firm handshake as he managed a "Yessir."

"Please, come inside." Thomas waved like an usher to welcome Chris into the house. Chris normally would have thought of such behavior as too formal or pretentious, but Thomas was obviously used to being in authority. His acting that way wasn't lame at all. If anything, it was actually impressive.

As the three of them walked in, Matt followed and set Elline's books on a counter in the hallway before silently leaving the house; and it was a very impressive house. Chris gawked at the huge mirrors that covered half the hallway on one side, making it look more spacious. Low coffee tables made of wood, glass, and chrome lined the other side to give the place a modern artistic feel. A few more steps inside led them into the living area. If Chris was impressed by the hallway, it was nothing compared to the living room.

Three sofas lined the walls of the room while an open kitchen with a see-through subzero refrigerator occupied a corner. In the middle of the room was a knee-high table made of stainless steel and silver with magazines on business, real estate, architecture, economics, art, and fashion. The walls were either covered with more mirrors or paintings with reflective-sided frames. Chris looked around and gawked at the chandelier above him. It was a huge cluster of crystals that lit up on their own.

"This is our living room." Thomas gestured with a wave of his arms, clearly proud of his home. "And over there is the den." He pointed to the other end of the room to a gigantic mirror, which Matt pushed aside, revealing that it was actually a sliding door. Behind it was another expansive room with more mirrors. From where Chris stood, he could make out the carpeted floor, adjustable lights, and a TV monitor attached to the wall. What a house!

"I hope our home is to your liking, Chris." Elline's father couldn't hide it. The way he beamed made it plain that he was very proud of the house, but the way he spoke didn't make him look boastful. If anything, he seemed quite modest to Chris. The house was amazing indeed. And the way Chris stared at everything, he was certain that Thomas knew he was amazed.

"It's really cool, sir... I mean, it's very impressive. Are you an architect?" Chris asked.

"Hardly!" Thomas chuckled. "But thank you for the compliment, Chris."

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