🌼 chapter-17 🌼

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Jimin shout seeing tae fainted

Jim-bear wake up baby don't prank on chim please wake up...
Jim pick tae and sat in his car with tae on his lap.
He hurriedly drive towards hospital.
Jim-jungkook If anything happens to my baby again, I won't even let you see my baby's face.....

With jk

Doctor bandage jk and said
Doc-king is ok but have to take rest
Don't pressure him.....

Jk open his eyes and roam his eyes around room
Suga-he is with jimin....

Jk-no I want to see him. Take him to me I want my wifey....
Jin-kookie calm down I will back with bear don't pressure yourself....

Jin going to walk out but one bodyguard came running
Guards-king Mr Jimin goes somewhere with queen. Our men's goes behind him and say they both are in hospital......

Jk immediately sit but hiss
Jin-kookie lay down...
Jk-no something happens to my princess Call Jimin....

Suga calls Jimin
Jimin pick the call
Suga-baby where are you? what happened to be.....

Jim-my baby faints his condition is not good. I swear Mr Jeon yoongi if something happens to my baby I won't even let you all to see my baby again....
Jimin said with anger but he know he is controlling himself for not to burst out.

Jimin cut the call immediately
Jk-I want to go which hospital they go?
Guards-xxxxx hospital...

Suga-jk you rest I will go.....
Jk-no how can I rest when my princess is in hospital. If something happens to my princess I will die for sure....

Jin-jungkook lay down...
Jin-I said lay down no one is going to see them. If you go to see them then ready to see my dead body....

Jin said coldly and left
Suga-jk please I will talk to eomma..

Suga goes behind jin
Hobi and yn with jk
(Guys Don't think bad about jin. He is just worried about his son. He cares for vmin too. But he just get angry listening Jimin words. His sons is precious for him)

With vmin

Doctor came out after checking tae
Jimin hurriedly go to doctor

Jim-doctor is he ok?
Doc-he is ok But...
Jim-but what doctor?

Doc-he is not little anymore. He get his memory back but he forgot his one year memory. He don't remember anything what happen to in this one year. Don't pressure him to remember....

Jim-thanks doctor...
Doc-its my duty Mr park....

Doctor left Jimin enter inside tae room and saw him thinking something deeply.

Tae look towards jimin and widen his eyes

Jimin hug tae tightly and said
Jim-are you ok bub?
Tae-yes chim....
Jim-want strawberry milkshake?

Tae eyes sparkle and nod his head continuously
Tae-chim are you married?
Jim-uh no baby.....
Note-remember tae lost his one year memory. So he don't remember his marriage.

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