Sonic gets Kidnapped

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"Hey there, buddy." A strange, older man with greasy hair and a beer belly calls him over.

Sonic runs to him and tells him his name.

"Names Strade." Strade from Boyfriend to Death says.

"Wanna come home with me little boy?"

Sonic: NOOOO *Tries to run away but Strade grabs him from the butthole and pulls him closer*

Strade brings his mouth to Sonics ear and runs his finger down his neck. The finger is cold and wet, and orange with cheeto dust. Sonic looks closer at Strades face and sees similar orange cheeto dust around his mouth and a foul stank emitting, smelling like asshole and cheetos. "You're so young... I love your long beautiful neck, it makes me want to sink my teeth into it." He has a thick german accent

The world turns black as sonic goes limp

*time skip*

Sonic wakes up in somebody's basement


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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