Chapter 1- No Return

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As a little girl, I never understood why my father would come home after being gone for months with bruises and blisters all over his body. Gashes up and down his face, limping and dirty. It never really bothered me, since it never bothered him. Though sometimes, when I did worry, he would reassure me that we would all be fine. And right he was. For months and even years after those trips, we would have more oil and food than half the families in our town. 

Until one day, my father didn't come home.

My mother said he was okay. She promised us. Nine months we received a letter. The letter. The letter that ruined my life, that took away my happiness. That took away joy from everyday life. That took away love from my family. 

Our leader, our gravity, our father and husband, was gone.

After that day, my mother began drinking heavily. The money we had left was wasted on whiskey and cigars; she was almost always intoxicated. Almost always dangerous. Until one day she killed herself.

Now it was just me and my brother. With our parents dead, we were sent far away from our town. We were brought in by many people. They called themselves The Polemistes. They gave us new names. They said we could leave our misery behind. 

That day, we became Alorah and Adonis Wren.


Umm, ok. That was pretty good. It might be boring now, but please read ahead. The story just hasn't started yet! You need a backstory obv. 

So, next chapter we ae gonna learn more about Alorah Wren and her personality. And maybe introduce a potential love interest?? Idk, I have never written romance b4 that was actually worth reading (if you want to check out that train wreck you can go check out the 3 unfinished chapters of Choluna, couldn't even start developing a relationship) But anyway, I'll try hard.

K, byee

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