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As Reputation entered her room and shut the door, a wave of emotions crashed over her. Guilt and self-doubt gnawed at her heart, threatening to consume her in despair. She questioned her own value, pondering why she couldn't simply be ordinary for once, why she had to wreck everything good in her life. Collapsing onto her bed, her lip quivered as tears pooled in her eyes. Lover deserved someone better than the wreck she believed herself to be. Wiping away tears with determination, she struggled against the urge to break down, but the floodgates opened, and she sobbed herself to sleep, drained by the burden of her feelings.

Lover carefully pours the popcorn into the bowl, her movements slow and deliberate, reflecting the turmoil in her mind. What had gone wrong? Just an hour ago, everything seemed fine. She replayed the events in her head, searching for clues, but nothing stood out. With a heavy heart, she returned to the living room and settled onto the couch, setting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.

As she stared blankly at the TV screen, her thoughts raced. Had she unknowingly upset Reputation? Did she say something wrong? The idea gnawed at her, and tears welled up in her eyes, unbidden. Why did it hurt so much? It felt like her heart had been wrenched in two, and reputation had just told her she wanted to be left alone.

Perhaps she had been too clingy, too annoying. Maybe Reputation had grown tired of her presence. The notion that Reputation might not want to be her friend tore at her heartstrings. She couldn't fathom going a day without Reputation's witty remarks or the way Reputation's touch felt so delicate yet so meaningful. It was a unique connection amidst a sea of expectations.

Unable to bear the weight of her emotions any longer, Lover stood up and quietly left the room. Her steps were heavy as she ascended the stairs to her room and closed the door behind her. Alone in the silence, she allowed herself to cry, the tears flowing freely.

Seated on her bed, she wiped her eyes and gazed up at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. Benjamin, her faithful cat, sensed her distress and nestled closer, his comforting purrs lulling her into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning, Lover awoke to the soft glow of dawn filtering through her curtains. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she sat up, rubbing at her tired eyes. As she moved through the motions of starting her day, a heavy weight settled in her chest, a lingering reminder of the events of yesterday.

Heading downstairs to the kitchen, Lover busied herself with preparing a simple breakfast, the rhythmic motions of cooking a welcomed distraction. But her reverie was interrupted by the entrance of 1989, who took a seat at the counter.

"Are you okay, Lover?" 1989's concerned voice pierced the silence, prompting Lover to pause.

"I'm okay, why?" Lover responded, her tone tinged with a hint of defensiveness.

"Well, yesterday Reputation went to her room, and you looked like someone had ripped your heart out," 1989 observed astutely, her words striking a chord with Lover.

Before she could formulate a response, Reputation appeared, her presence palpable in the room. Lover felt a familiar tension settle between them, a silent acknowledgment of the unresolved tension lingering from the previous day.

"What's happening here?"

"I was just asking Lover if she was okay," 1989 interjected, breaking the silence and providing a timely distraction. "I'm gonna go try and wake up Midnights. I'll leave you two to it," she added before slipping away, leaving Lover alone with Reputation.

Lover focused her attention on the food, the clinking of pots and utensils providing a welcome respite from the weight of their unspoken conversation.

"Lover," Reputation's voice cut through the air, and Lover couldn't help but glance up, meeting her gaze. She felt the pull of Reputation's presence, a magnetic force she couldn't quite ignore.

"Love," Reputation tried again, her voice soft with concern. Lover struggled to find the right words, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"I'm making breakfast, you can go sit down," Lover finally managed to say, her words clipped and devoid of warmth. She busied herself with serving the food onto plates, a silent gesture of reconciliation amidst the tension that hung between them.

Reputation felt defeated as Lover instructed her to take a seat at the counter. She complied, her heart heavy with remorse, and began to eat the breakfast that had been prepared for her. "Thanks," she muttered softly, each bite a bitter reminder of her own actions.

She longed to apologize, to express her regret, but the words caught in her throat. Lover's clear disdain made her hesitate. Who could blame her? Reputation's behavior had been callous, unforgivable. She summoned the courage to speak, her voice barely a whisper.

"Lover, I'm sorry."

Silence hung heavy in the air, and Reputation braced herself for the response she dreaded. "It's okay, Reputation," came the gentle reply, but the use of her full name stung like a sharp rebuke.

She finished her meal in silence, the weight of her remorse bearing down on her with each passing moment. With a heavy heart, she rose from the table and made her way to the kitchen, placing her plate in the sink before retreating to the solitude of her room.


Chapter three is finally complete wooo, and I'm sorry for the delay in posting. I've been busy and something came up, but I hope this chapter makes up for it all.

Please, let me know your thoughts, don't be a silent reader. Your feedback means everything to me. (also what are your guys thoughts on TTPD?)

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