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The announcements this year were few, but the one that stuck out to El was the Yule ball. 

The yule ball is a dance that usually occurs when an event called the tri-wizard tournament happens, but this year, even though their not having the tournament, the yule ball will happen on Christmas day at 8pm.

After dinner, she went to her dorm that she apparently shared with flive girls, three of whom she met already, Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnen, and Dorcas Meadows. The other girls who she hadn't met yet was Mary macdonald and Ruby  Lupin.

El grabbed some parchment and ink from her trunk and scribbled a letter for her parents

Dear mum and dad

Hogwarts has been amazing. I made afew friends that I share a dorm with.

I know you were weary about sending me to a school you haven't been to before but it's amazing. Apparently it's the safest place in the world but we all know that is our secret bunker.

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