The big move

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Fast forward 2 years. Annie is 19 and Luke is 20. Caleb is 21. Hayley is 14. It is Hayley's first day of Highschool. It is Annie's first day of business management training, and Caleb's third year of college. Luke has a job at yard care company.

"Annie! Mom! How do I look?" Hayley walks down the stairs in jeans,a blue tie dye t-shirt and sparkly vans.

"You look grown up." Says mom
She was right,Hayley on her first day of Highschool!

"Are you going to talk to Jonas?" Teases Caleb

"Who's Jonas?" Dad suddenly took interest in the conversation

"Jonas Lancaster,captain of the football team. He has the bluest eyes and most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. Oh how I wish he would talk to me!" Hayley talks about Jonas like he put stars in the sky.

"Just go up and talk to him. He's probably just as nervous as you are!"

"I'm gonna talk to him." Says Hayley confidently."

"Well I'm going to class. See you guys in a few hours." I say.

I called Luke when I got in the car.

"Hey Lukey."

"Hi baby girl."

"How are you this morning."

"I'm fine,I just miss getting to see you."

Annie smiles at what he said.

"We are hanging out this afternoon right?"

"Yes. I gotta go I'll see you then. I love you."

"I love you too."

I was in class for 2 hours,I went back home and waited until two o'clock,that was when I got to see Luke again.

I go to Luke's apartment where he lives. It's a nice little apartment with two bedrooms,a bathroom and a small kitchen. So it's more like a condo. I knock on the door and he answers.


"Annie! I missed you so much!"
I hadn't seen him in a week,right before school started my family took a vacation for a week.

"I missed you too." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Come sit. Would you like anything to eat or drink." He says,he seems a bit nervous.

"No thanks babe. I just ate."

"You look beautiful today." He's puts his arm around my shoulder and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Wanna watch some tv?" I say.

"Well I actually kinda need to talk to you about something." He says.

"You can tell me anything!"

"We've been for 4 years and I've got a job,your working on getting you business degree to open up your own gym."

"Yea,I know that." I didn't know where he was going with this.

"I want you to move in with me."

"I would love that. I need to asks my parents." I say.

"I already asked them. They said it was okay. Were moving in together! Tomorrow!" He was so excited

"I can't wait to start the next phase of life with you Lukey."

I can't wait for my life to begin.

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