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Nhlaka has always thought he is smarter than me  but on this one I  was always  ten steps ahead of him and  right now when he realises that Simi was taken by me I'll  be far gone from this godforsaken  place with my woman.......................


............Fuck fuuuuuuuuck how can  this happen  right under  my nose and my  watch I  can't  have her life at risk especially  at such a time when she's  pregnant  like tjis is just fucked up......

It doesn't  help that every lead we've  been  gettung hits a dead end..........
"I think I've  got something bozza bheka lapha" Tiger pulls me out of my thoughts  and I  rush to  him looking over  the   laptop  " oh thank god get the boys ready we checking it out right now T gear up " ...............
They always  warn never poke a man at his heart but people  just don't  get it huh.......................


This idiot thinks  I'll  love him just cause his held me captive. I always  knew Mnqobi  was up to something  so I  had kinda prepared  for  such  but I  have to think rationally  and  not  only think about  myself  but these little  ones I'm  carrying even if it takes months  to put this plan through  then so be it because  I'm  not  loosing nof even one  of  my  babies  that's  a fact ...............
"Mnqobi  plz can we talk things through  atleast"  he looks at me for a few  seconds then answers "you have no choice  but to  talk things with me Simi caise that's  what  people in a relationship  behave "  this bastard is sick that's  for sure..................


Guy's  thank you  for  the  1k reads now atleast  I  know  my work is not in vain....................

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