Chapter 5 - Zuri

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After hours of tossing and turning, Zuri's persistence paid off and sleep finally overtook her. When she woke up, it was still as dark as it had been when she closed her eyes. Though it had to be close to dawn, Zuri felt just as confident about what to do as she did when she laid down. As if her body was acting of its own accord, she sat up and started getting dressed. After she put on her clothes and donned her Rurdinian disguise atop her head, Zuri slipped out of her room and then out of her house. Everything was quiet, and the night sky gave no hint that the sun was on its way. As she made her way to the town center, the world took on a more ominous appearance. Being the homebody she was, Zuri could not recall a single instance when she had ventured out of her house at such an early hour. Not only was her family still asleep, but most of the city as well. It was eerily quiet as Zuri crossed through what had always been the liveliest and noisiest section of the market. As she approached the far end of the market, she noticed that one side of the sky had begun to lighten more than the other. Morning was now quickly approaching. Noticing the palace gates looming in front of her, Zuri suddenly remembered that her pass was gone. She stopped briefly at the edge of the market to think of an excuse before resuming her approach at a much slower rate. Only one reason seemed plausible, considering the condition of her face. Like yesterday, there were two soldiers screening visitors; however, neither of the men in guarding the gate this morning had been there the day before.

This suddenly got a bit more challenging. I'm sure the two men from yesterday would remember me, but now I've got to start fresh with two new soldiers. Why wouldn't they use the same soldiers two days in a row? Perhaps because I'm here to early, the soldiers from yesterday aren't on duty yet.

"Well now.... you're up early, aren't you?" the seated soldier asked lightheartedly before recoiling after getting a look at her face in the light of the lamp sitting on his table. Zuri did have some makeup at home to help complete her Rurdinian disguise, but none of it was helpful in covering up bruises. His mood changed abruptly at the sight of her, and he continued in a vastly more suspicious tone. "What do you want? If you have an incident to report, talk to the nights watch." He gestured with his hand back into the market. The nights watch was nothing more than soldiers just like the men at the gate; however, their sole purpose was to patrol and keep the peace at night.

Thank goodness I didn't walk by anyone from the night's watch, or they may have stopped me to ask about my face.

"My name is Zuriñe Fermin... I work for the emperor's grandmother, Lady Renata." Zuri replied nervously.

"I doubt that. Where's your pass?" he asked firmly as he held out his hand. The older soldier by the gate moved closer to Zuri to get a better look.

"I was robbed. He... hit me and stole my pass." Zuri explained. As a smirk grew across his face, she realized just how flimsy her argument must have sounded.

"Ah... I see. So, this man only took your pass? The robber was in such a rush that he failed to notice that dainty little gold chain you've got hung around your neck? Hmm? Move it along girl." the standing soldier explained mockingly. Zuri put her hand up to her neck instinctively and touched the small chain with her fingertips.

I hadn't even considered my necklace. I received it from my family as a gift for completing school with high marks. I almost never take it off.

"I promise you... I was here yesterday. This is only my second day of work... that's why you don't recognize me." she pleaded with them.

"Your pass was stolen on your first day? What are the odds? I've been working at this palace gate regularly for almost a decade and I've never once heard of anyone getting their pass stolen. It has no value outside of the palace." The older soldier explained as the seated one began quickly flipping the pages backward in the logbook as he pored over the records. Eventually he shrugged and looked over his shoulder at his coworker. The older soldier grunted smugly and looked back at Zuri. "How surprising... your name isn't there. Do you think you're the first person that has tried to weasel their way past me? Get out of here. Head on home to that brute father or husband of yours before he gives you a second beating when he finds out what you're up to."

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