Chapter one-the meeting

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Chapter 1- new people

3rd person POV:

Cinnamon ginger...or now called GingerBrave was running away not wanting to look back at the horrid castle, as he ran he encountered a cakehound. "A cakehound?!" Gingerbrave exclaimed as he was too tired from running away to fight. Eventually he ran into a dead end and was forced to fight, As he turned around he hit the cakehound firmly landing a strike. "Wow that was actually pretty easy-" was all he said before he passed out.


"Hello? Helloooo '' a voice spoke startling Cinna- ahem Gingerbrave waking him up to the face of a sugar nome. "Huh? who/what are you?" Gingerbrave said. "We are the sugar nomes!" the small nomes wearing pointed hats told him. "You're finally awake!" A (small) cookie with a wizard hat said standing next to a shy looking cookie with a strawberry hoodie over most of her head besides her eyes. "Ah uhm hello....?" gingerbrave asked. 'Wizard cookie, my name is wizard cookie and this is strawberry cookie." "Oh hello wizard cookie my name is gingerbrave!" he said. "Where are we?" Gingerbrave asked. "Well this is a kingdom!"


//Short chapter bc I have no motivation sorry//

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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