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Chapter 1: The Confession

Aia's heart fluttered with nervous excitement as she stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her outfit for the party. She had spent hours carefully selecting the perfect dress, hoping to impress her crush, whose name echoed in her mind like a sweet melody.

As the guests began to arrive, Aia's anticipation grew with each passing minute. She scanned the room anxiously, searching for a glimpse of him among the crowd. But amidst the laughter and chatter, he was nowhere to be seen.

Finally, as the night wore on, Aia's crush made his grand entrance, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. Aia's heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, sending a rush of warmth through her veins.

Summoning all her courage, Aia made her way through the throng of guests, determined to seize this moment and confess her feelings once and for all. But just as she opened her mouth to speak, she froze in disbelief at what unfolded before her.

Her crush stood before her, his gaze fixed not on her, but on Zoī, her best friend, who stood by his side with a look of surprise and confusion. Aia's world crumbled in an instant as she listened to his words, each one like a dagger to her heart.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Aia turned and fled, tears stinging her eyes as she pushed past the startled onlookers. She dashed up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door shut behind her, shutting out the world and the pain that threatened to consume her.

Alone in the darkness of her room, Aia buried her face in her hands, her heart aching with a pain she had never known. Betrayal gnawed at her soul as she replayed the scene over and over in her mind, each moment more agonizing than the last.

Days passed in a blur as Aia remained holed up in her room, unable to face the outside world or the friends who had tried to reach out to her. Only the echoes of their voices drifted through the door, a constant reminder of the life she had left behind.

But amidst the darkness, a flicker of determination ignited within Aia's heart. Anger replaced sorrow as she vowed to exact revenge on the one who had caused her so much pain, fueling her with a newfound purpose.

With a steely resolve, Aia began to hatch her plan, each detail falling into place with precision. The time for tears had passed; now it was time for action. And as she plotted her revenge, Aia felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a promise of redemption on the horizon.

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