Chapter 1

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George walked down the hall. His class was starting in about 3 minutes. As he fastened his pace he suddenly remembered he left one of his books in his locker. George sighed as he quickly turned around, headed for his locker.

He wanted to run but running in school is really embarrassing.

George arrived at his locker and blew the thing up.

No he didn't but it would be funny.

Instead George unlocked his locker and grabbed his book. He got his phone out and was welcomed with the lovely reminder that his class was gonna start in less than a minute.

Quickly George locked his locker and walked fast, - which is maybe even more embarrassing than running - to his class.


Class was over and although George had been late, the teacher was nice enough to let it slide.

To be fair, George was pretty loved by all teachers. He was a good student after all. He'd always have his homework finished and didn't get distracted in class.

Not that he really could get distracted. A lack of friends is what George had. Or maybe a lack of physical friends. He did have some online friends. But those aren't necessarily the best too.

So maybe a lack of friends was in fact the right wording.

It not that George is unlikeable, he's always kind towards everyone. It's more so that he can't connect with people.

George doesn't want to be friends with someone just to be friends. He wants to really understand them, and trust them.

But that sounds easier than it is.

George has been trying to make good friends ever since first grade. And some did last for some time. But they just don't stick, do they?

Everytime he thinks he's got the right person, the right one. Something happens and everything suddenly falls apart.

Either they move schools, or find someone else to spend their time with instead.

George is pretty content with his life as it is. He thinks.

People come and go. That's how it's always been.

But what if someone doesn't go?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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