1) Days in 1830

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 "Lilith please! You don't have to do this!" Lucifer pleaded. "It doesn't have to go this direction! I-I'll change if that's what's going to help this relationship! Please..." he cried. Lucifer didn't know what to do. He didn't even know what was wrong. All he knew was that Lilith no longer wanted him. Lucifer always thought he and Lilith were meant to be, she was the apple of his eye.

"Accept it Lucifer. You were NEVER what I wanted and you never will be. You. Are. Nothing. I'll be leaving tonight." Lilith spat. Lucifer fell to the ground as Lilith walked away, he burst into tears, his sadness mixed with his anger. His sobs turned into a fit of screaming, shaking all of Pride. He cried on and on, his mind running a mile a minute. So many questions were floating through his head.

"Why did I fight for her?

"Why doesn't she love me anymore?"

"Am I worthless?"

"Did she ever love me the way I love her?"


Lilith left that day, leaving no trace behind. Leaving behind the life that Lucifer fought so hard for them to have. Lucifer kept sulking in his room, not stopping to take a breather from crying. He wanted to feel more pain, more pain so he would understand why Lilith left him. Maybe if he caused himself pain, he would feel a sense of relief....

That was the first day Lucifer caused himself pain intentionally in a while. The first day he made himself bleed in a while. The first day he mentally carved the words "useless", "good for nothing", "worthless", and "a waste of space and time" into his head since his fall. Lilith always told Lucifer not to blame himself. So this was the first time in a while he felt this way. He hated this feeling but he knew it was true. Everything she said to him, true. Everything he did to himself that day, he thought he desereved it. He regained the consciousness that Lilith took away after his fall. 

As he wept with his golden stained arms infront of him, he remembered something. Something from a long time ago, it was a blur, really. But he slightly remembered. He decided to make ducks. To keep his mind off the thoughts and his urges to hurt himself more, he made ducks. That night after his sobbing and crying, he made ducks! Hundreds of them in one night! He could've been going insane that night, not being able to fully register the fact his wife left him, so he made ducks! Ducks to keep him company! He made a Lilith duck and a Lucifer duck, so neither would be lonely and they would have each other. It had only been a couple hours since she left him and yet, he missed her oh so much.

His duck making went on for HOURS that night! He never stopped to sleep. Slowly, hours turned into days and the days, well, the days simply turned to weeks of duck making. By the time he took a breather, he was sore, tired, and surrounded by thousands upon thousands of ducks. He knew his colleagues(his friends really, he's just to stubborn to admit it) were worried, but did that stop him from making more ducks after he took a breath? Oh fuck no! He made ducks until he heard someone open his door after A MONTH OF MAKING DUCKS.

"Oh no honey this just wont do.." 

"Asmodeus?" Lucifer turned around to see. Standing behind his chair was one of his colleagues, the sin of lust. Asmodeus looked around Lucifers office, a look of concern and a bit of disgust appeared on his face. Lucifer, also not to mention, looked like shit. Asmodeus knew that Lucifer would always look hot when hes tired but, this was a whole new other level of tired. He literally looked like shit. 

 "Oh darling this DEFINITELY wont do. You gotta get yourself outta this castle babe, or you'll be wallowing in here by yourself for ETERNITY!" Asmodeus exclaimed. Lucifer knew he had a point, but was Lucifer so done with his life in hell right now? Yes, yes he was. But he also knew from experience,  Asmodeus will never give up on this. Sort of like on his wedding day with Lilith where Lucifer was too scared to go out to get bound by marriage, Asmodeus literally dragged his ass out. Afraid, and not wanting to be pulled by his legs(again), he listened to Asmodeus. He was told to sleep for at least a long while to make up for a months worth of rest, to get cleaned up because he STANK and looked like ASS, and to go on an outting and see what pride was up to.

 So he did just that. He slept, and he got cleaned up. And now, he was building up courage to see what pride was up to these days. Upon leaving the castle, a feeling hit him. He felt panicked. His breathing started to rapidly increase and he felt his chest tightening. And a feeling as if there was a frog in his throat. He fell to the ground, trying to pace his breathing. But of course, that didn't work. So at the entrance of his castle, he did what calmed him most. He made ducks. He made a couple until his breathing slowed and the little tears that came down his face once in a while stopped. He picked himself up once more and left his castle. He made it to the streets of pride, just walking down the streets like a normal sinner would. He peeked around the corners every so often, just admiring what was going on around him. He started to remember the little things he and Lilith would do together, they would always dance around the streets, creating fire with every step their feet made. They never did that much though now that he thought about it. Even before she left. They only went out together when it was convenient for Lilith. Wallowing in his self pity, he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking.


"ughh... what was that.." Lucifer groaned. He walked into someone when he wasn't paying attention, he saw someone else also knocked down in front of him. The person got up and dusted off, Lucifer tried to see their face but couldn't due the the bright light in the red sky reflecting onto his eyes. The person walked towards Lucifer, bent down and offered a hand.

"My deepest apologies sir! Would you like a helping hand?" 


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