PROLOGUE! to all for one, his daughter was the sweetest girl in the world

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was never sheltered from the life her father lived.

she wasn't sheltered from its benefits, either, and this fact was displayed in the useless expensive details that decorated every bit of her lifestyle.

cherry always had everything she wanted.

being the daughter of one of the most powerful villains to ever exist was super cool!

all for one made sure that she never lacked anything. proper education, training, anything her heart wanted, he got her.

after all, if she would inherit his quirk one day, she needed to be taken care of.

her life was structured from the moment he adopted her. every second of her life was spent training the extensive range of abilities that he'd given her. she knew exactly how quirk societies worked.

she knew that her father despised heroes, and that she should, too. that thought had been instilled in her head since she was young, especially from the people around her.

she was not a stranger to the other villains.

she'd already been exposed to various dangerous situations, some that she herself participated in, willingly or not.

the league of villains were the closest thing she'd ever had to a family, besides all for one.

there was something horribly off putting about her, at least to the villains.

she never seemed that interested in villain work, which was a concern. no, she was more interested in herself. sometimes, she was even sort of nice. it was terrible. how was the daughter of all for one nice?

that wasn't how it was supposed to work. she was supposed to be his heir, to wreak havoc for the rest of her life.

she didn't seem all too enthusiastic about the idea, though.

her education had always been tailored to her abilities, and her future role in the world of villains. she received private tutoring in subjects like strategy and combat, in addition to regular academic studies with top teachers.

the only thing in the world she didn't seem to have, was friends.

her father was always cautious about who she was associated with.

besides, it wasn't like she could just casually invite a friend over and gloss over the fact her dad was a villain. they'd never speak to her again.

it was kind of sad, actually.

cherry always saw how people judged villains. it made her sad.

her best friends were villains. the only people who ever cared about her were villains. of course, they did bad things, but they didn't do them to her, so why should she hate them?

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