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[July 2nd, 2007]

The calming sound of crayon on paper was the only sound in Luke's room as he sketched out what he thought was a pretty fantastic drawing of Doctor Doom. If you ever asked his sister about his drawings though, she would tell you the same thing about each and every one of them. They're disturbing.

His room was littered with other pictures he had drawn, some created with marker, others with pens and pencils. Whatever writing utensils he could get his hands on, really.

A look of satisfaction appeared on his otherwise blank face as he stuck his tongue out in concentration, adding the final touches to the image he had spent all morning creating after getting bored of the Saturday cartoons. Luke had almost completed his 'masterpiece' when a knock on the door shattered his concentration and startled him.

"Argh!" he cried as he jumped. His violent movement caused his crayon to drag across Doctor Doom's face. Out of frustration, Luke threw his crayon across the room just as his sister opened the door.

Another cry pierced the silence. This time it was Hannah reacting to a crayon that had hit her in the face. "Luke!" she scolded. "Don't throw things."

"You made me mess up," he whined in place of an apology.

Hannah bent over to look at his drawing and shivered. "Who is that supposed to be?" Her tone was now falsely sweet.

"It was Doctor Doom before you made me mess up. Now it's just a guy with a big scribble for a face," Luke replied in the same annoyed voice, waving his arms for extra emphasis.

"Well, I'm sorry," she sighed in response. "Anyways, I came in here to give you the phone." Hannah passed him her cell phone before leaving the room, rubbing a red mark on her nose.

"Hello?" Luke questioned as he took his sister's cell phone, wondering who was calling him. It couldn't be one of his friends from school, none of them knew his sister's phone number. At least, he didn't think any of them did.

"Luke!" Olivia's voice came through the receiver like a loud squeal. "Guess what, guess what, guess what?!" Her excitement was overwhelming.

"What?" he asked, boredom and annoyance dripping through his tone like poison to her childish behaviour. It did not change her mood.

"Drew and I are going to go see Ratatouille! Do you want to come with us?" she asked, her voice so loud it created static. She must have been shrieking.

"I guess so," he mumbled unenthusiastically. "But I don't know what movie that is."

"Oh, that's okay," Olivia giggled in answer. "It's about a rat and he can talk. Can you believe that?"

Luke shook his head and sighed. "I'll ask my mom," he told her before hanging up, certain he would get a headache if he listened to her talk any longer. If you could even consider that talking.

His mother was sitting on the couch reading a book quietly, a cup of strong earl grey on the coffee table waiting to be consumed.

"Mom?" he called.

"Hm? Oh, what is it Luke?" she asked as she set her book down. A little smile adorned her plump lips. It was almost always there whenever she was talking to Luke or Hannah.

"Olivia wanted to know if I could go see a movie with her and Drew," he said, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch.

"I don't see why not," she replied. Her lithe body leaned forward for a moment and she outstretched her arm so that her dainty fingers could wrap around her tea cup. "Are they going to pick you up?"

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