Chapter 10: Plans and pups

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Ugh it's finally the weekend. I would be happy except for the fact that we demigods don't get free time, especially ones on quests and those who also have to do homework.

Tyra groaned at the maths question if front of them. They had never learned much maths so all that they knew came from either me or our maths teacher. This meant that we are currently sat on the living room sofa (I don't care what Sam or you say, it's a sofa not a couch) struggling through their work.

"Okay, with this one you first need to multiply the denominator with the whole number."


"Good. Now, take that number and subtract it from the answer. What do you have left?"


"Ding, ding, ding. Next since x is squared what do we do with that left over four?"

"Divide it by two."

"Yep, good job. So divide the four by two and what do you get?"


"So x is?"

"Two!" Tyra shouted happily and scribbled the answer down next to their workings out.

"Guys, dinner is ready." Sam shouted from the kitchen. She had taken over my job as chef for now so I could help Tyra.

I walked towards the kitchen with the others charging past me, hungry for food.

The others all sat down as I helped Sam (heh heh Sam autocorrected into dam.) dish out the lasagne she had made.

Once we finished we seated ourselves among our companions and joined them in consuming the delectable sustenance Sam had fabricated. I don't know why I said it like that, that was weird.

Anyway, I picked at the food, don't get me wrong it was delicious but I can't stomach much without throwing it all back up because she would often leave me without food for days. Of course the others didn't know about why but they did know I had an eating disorder.

"Try eat a fourth of it Tabi." Sam asked quietly, knowing I didn't like being the center of attention even among friends.

"It's a quarter and best your getting is a fifth." I told her.

"Okay, it's at least progress. When we first met years ago you would only eat crumbs."

Once I managed to eat around a fifth of my plate I pushed it into the middle of the table and watched as Sam inspected it and gave a little nod to the others.

The others all ambushed the poor plate, stealing extra scraps like a colony of hungry seagulls on a beach.

"Guys we should really start planning out the rest of our quest as much as possible." Josh signed to us once they had all finished their food.

"Yeah, we should figure out where we are going and when." Tyra agreed as they and I immediately went into battle strategy mode.

"Well two lines reference the underworld so I believe we have our destination." Jaiden suggested and we agreed that it was a good idea for a starting place.

"Okay so we have a location now we just need a time. It's too late today and Sam and I are going to see my pups and Bambi tomorrow." I told them, my metal fingers clanking on the wooden table as I tapped them.

"Okay, what about next Saturday because that gives us enough time to prepare for a guaranteed battle and enough time to recover after it incase we must return to school." Tyra replied and we all agreed it was a good idea.

-_-_Time skip brought_-_-
-_-_to you by the old_-_-
-_-_oracle, rip_-_-
-_-_rotted mummy dust_-_-

We approached the edge of the camp forest and the four silhouettes that stood waiting for Sam and I.

"Mama!" I heard two of them shout and they ran up to me.

"Hey Melissa, ciao(hello) Phyllis." I said and wrapped my arms around the twins. Most of the younger hunters call me mum for whatever reason so I have basically adopted them as my pups.

I hugged them as Artemis pulled Sam in for a kiss.

"Hello Tabitha." I heard the fourth person, or should I say wolf, say.

"Ciao(hello) Mara, good to see you." I replied to the silky white wolf and she knocked me over. This caused the 8 year old twins, Mara and I to all end up in a pile on the floor.

"Ciao(hello) Bambi." I called out from the bottom of the pile to Artemis.

"Hello darling. How's the quest going?" She replied, trying to keep from laughing at the bizarre yet common scene infront of her.

"Good, we're leaving for the underworld next Saturday." Sam explained.

"Up we get guys, I've got something for you all." I told the three on top of me and they immediately stood up.

I pulled open my bag and pulled out a tupperware container full of my homemade cannoli.

"Yay cannoli!" The twins shouted in unison and I passed them two each. I gave Mara the two canine friendly ones I had made especially for her and Artemis and Sam the four extras.

Artemis and Sam sat and talked while I played with the twins and Mara for a while untill we had to leave due to it being too late and the twins' bedtime.


880 words

Ciao my lil dinos how are you on this fine wednesday?

~Question Of The Chapter~

What was the maths equation Tabitha was helping Tyra answer?

Vote. Comment. And see you next week.

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