Chapter 15

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‘How is she?’ someone whispered. ‘Is she going to be all right?’

‘She hit her head pretty hard, didn’t she?’ another soft voice said.

‘Suse – you’re supposed to lay down!’ the other voice exclaimed. ‘You’ve got a concussion!’

I listened to the bickering and worried voices above my head, but I didn’t open my eyes. I kind of liked laying here in the dark. I felt heavy and tired, as if I had been drugged while I’d been asleep. I couldn’t remember anything that had happened, and I had a feeling I didn’t really want to remember it either. It was as if my mind had blocked itself from me. I tried to tune the voices out and go back to sleep, but something the voices above me said, caught my attention.

‘How’s he doing?’ a soft girl’s voice said.

‘He’s in an even worse state than Marie here.’ a male voice said. His voice was deep, but it cracked at the end. The guy was probably a teenager, I realized.

‘I really hope they’ll be all right.’ the girl whispered.

‘They’ll be.’ the guy said soothingly. ‘But you really need to lay down now, Suse. Sky’s right – you’ve got a concussion.’

‘Can’t I see Owen first?’ the girl pleaded.

Owen. That name said a shiver of recognition through me. I tried to block the memories that came floating into my mind, but it was no use. I balled my hands into tight fists when the pain took over. Why couldn’t I remember without hurting myself badly?

‘No!’ Owen shrieked.

I looked away from his alarmed face and saw a beam of green light coming right at me. Someone was trying to kill me. But I was in no condition to jump or run. The beam of light was going to strike me right in the chest if I didn’t move. What was the point in moving anyway? It would only cause the beam to touch my shoulder instead of my chest. I would be dead no matter what.

‘No!’ I heard Owen scream again.

Before I realized what was happening, he had hurled himself forwards, jumping in from of me. He conjured a huge red shield from thin air, but it shattered when the green light reached it. I watched him fall and felt a jab of pain pushing its way through my body when he fell onto the ground. His body went limb and lifeless. It was as if he wasn’t there anymore.

With a little gasp of shock and pain, I opened my eyes. I remembered now. Owen – the sweetest, cutest guy alive – was hurt. Hurt because of me.

‘Marie!’ A tired-looking, wild-haired girl bent over me, relief all over her gorgeous features. Her beautiful light brown skin was covered with scratches and dried blood, but her smile was warm and genuine. ‘You’re awake!’

I blinked at her in confusion. No name or feeling of recognition came to me. Who was she?

‘Why are you looking at me like you don’t know who the hell I am?’ she said, her smile wavering. ‘Are you in pain?’

I shook my head from side to side and tried to focus through the haze of the drug that I’d probably been injected with. ‘No.’ I was startled when I heard my own voice. It was so weak and almost inaudible... Was it even my voice? I didn’t know.

‘Is she awake?’ another voice sounded.

The guy that had been speaking before bent over me. His light tanned skin and his tousled brown hair seemed somehow familiar, but I couldn’t think of where I might have seen him before. He looked relieved, too.

I'd die for you - A Battle of Hogwarts love story ✅Where stories live. Discover now