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Cassie Prettytwist is a female dark fairy who is born and raised in the kingdom and she is a young school girl who attend to highschool. Cassie got along with others as well she does well in school such a bright young lady she is turning out to be. Some day Cassie reminds them of her mother the older Cassie got the more she is becoming like her mother. When Cassie started highschool she to heard the stories about the weeping sound stories and she herself has heard the weeping right outside her window and when she sneaked outside to see who is out there but when she does call out the weeping sound turned into angry whispering sound that lasted five minutes as Cassie would ask why they are angry she gets no answer. Cassie has seen the plague but she is lucky she never caught it even she does get sick it is only minor as she gets over it. Cassie doesn't believe it is the folks who died from it is causing the weeping sound and the angry whispering sound but something is going on what it is she doesn't know but she would like to know. Cassie is in tenth grade and she is fifteen years old as she is a bright young lady that teachers adore teaching because she takes her study serious. One evening she decided to talk to her mother about what she heard from her window as her mother agrees she hears it as well but can't explain where it is coming from plus it also sounding horrifying to. Cassie is happy to know that her mother can hear it as well but sad she couldn't name where it is coming from or who was making those sounds. No matter what Cassie wasn't really happy because every night right out of her window in her room she can hear the weeping sounds next turn to angry whispering sound which always lasted for ten minutes and sometimes longer which the sounds always got to her to the point now that she stands with her window open as she would whisper loud enough to who ever was making those sounds to go away after that was when the sounds would last longer. Now when Cassie is in school and whenever she was around her friends she would tell them about the weeping sound she heard from her bedroom window as they would all listen. One of her friends by the name of Tara Tate said she still believes it's the victims who died from the plague that keeps hitting the kingdom every winter but to prove it since the adults are all acting like they don't hear it either or know what is going on because they should. When Cassie came home from school she never told her parents that she and her friends were all talking about the weeping sound and th angry whispering sound that usually follows after. One Saturday afternoon Cassie's friends all came over since they decided to have a private meeting to decide if they all agree they want to play detective to solve what is going on with their kingdom or just leave things be because who knows if they could ever really solve the mystery of the weeping sound and the angry whispering sound so would it be worth to these fairies to figure what is going on in their forest since the adults don't seem to want to solve this or not. When the group came together they all talked about what they knew already and if everyone wants to dig further because Cassie believes if they start to dig into this they should find the answer so everyone favors in solving the mystery of the weeping and angry whispering sounds. Next the group wanted to have a name for themselves a name that would stand what they are searching for but they couldn't agree with the name until they do that was how far they were going to get plus they still need to get organized before they finally start solving what is going on in the Rainforest Hill kingdom. When they all finally agreed to a name they all agreed with the name of Truth Seekers so now they have a name now they need a base to begin with so they can all meet at and they can begin the research. They all agree to meet at Cassie's home on Saturday everyone can bring they laptops and notebooks to write their findings is how they are going to begin to dig to find their answers they are most need to find that will be so simple that can explain the sounds they all hear at night time. So now when Saturday afternoon comes Cassie and her friends will be in her room with their laptops on as they all looking seriously researching as Cassie's mom would never disturb them only to check in on them to see if they needed anything which she would bring them snacks and drinks to Cassie and her friends. First thing they started with was the other kingdoms to see if they were were reporting anything odd going on they couldn't explain or if they could explain the happenings but so far they haven't found anything but they were not going to give up maybe they just need to approach this in a different direction but how when they have no idea what they are looking for. So when they were hitting a dead end they decided to give it another try after they are all well rested as maybe ideas may happen to help them on their search. So everyone went home very tired after all they all were researching for three hours in the different kingdoms old papers nothing there said anything was going on there like it was here in Rainforest Hill that night Cassie went to bed early because she was that tired. Cassie slept all that night as the weeping sound and the angry whispering sound never woken her as she slept most of the morning as well only to get up midmorning around 11 in the morning. When Cassie walked in the kitchen her mother smiles saying morning as she saw that her daughter slept in so asked asked her if she was that tired as Cassie agrees she was while her mother was serving her daughter breakfast the usual cereal and orange juice since she knows Cassie loves orange juice so she makes sure there is plenty at home.

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