first day

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"I'm nervous." I admitted to Ruby while tapping my legs.

Why does my whole body need to vibrate when I'm anxious?

It makes it so obvious.

Is my heart pounding visible, too?

Because I feel like it's gonna escape my body.

"Hazel, common, we've had this conversation 5 times now, nothing will happen. Stop overthinking." She sort of yelled at me while closing her locker.

"How do you know that I can get humiliate any second." I nagged.

"And I'll ruin anyone's life who dares to say a single word about you." Ruby reassured.

I smiled at her, then put my arm around her, and we started walking through the hallways.

It was the first day of school.

One more year, and I'm done with high school.


I hate this school so much.

And this town.

And these people.

Except for Ruby. She was the only thing keeping me sane.

I love her.

But hey, don't tell her that.


"I don't understand what makes you so nervous. The worst happened last year already. There's nothing else that can happen to ruin your repustation anymore." Ruby said. "I mean no offence, but you know." She continued.

"You're right, but I don't know. I don't want to sound stupid or something, but you're all I have left right now, and sometimes I get worried that something might pull us apart." I said.

"Okay, you're dumb dumb nothing could ever make me hate you or make me go a day without talking to you . Come on, who am I gonna tell my drama to?"

"You're right." I giggled.


Ruby was greeting her friends while I just stood there.

Feeling trapped.

I wasn't always like this.

I used to be so outgoing.

But, now it feels like I'm stuck in a cage where I can't move.

I physically cannot socialise.

And it's ruining me.

Ever since what happened last year, I just can't bring myself to talk to people because I feel like they're constantly judging me.

For something that never even happened.

And for some reason, my stupid self can not just tell everyone that.

I heard the bell ringing, releasing me from my own thoughts.

I didn't have the energy to speak to anyone by now, not even Ruby.

Yup, that's when you know it's bad.

So, I just walked up to my class.

Okay, my mental health might be down, but that is not the case for my grades.

I've always been smart.

And that will never change.

Seeing my high marks keeps me sane.

So, I'm not letting anything affect my grades this year.

Education here I come!

I looked around, and it was only me and another student.

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