chapter twenty - one

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season two, episode twelve


Meredith walked into the house and her eyes widened taken in by the decorations that are elegantly placed in the hallway.

She heard chatter coming from the living room and she slowly walked towards the noise. Her eyes widened at the scene infront of her.

Izzie and Theadora were decorating the massive tree that reached the roof. Their giggles could be heard as they wrapped tinsel and hanged baubles on the tree.

George stood next to Meredith with his hair pointing out in different directions. He had the same bewildered look on his face as Meredith.

"Looks like Santa threw up in here." He said slowly. "Just... go with it. We're being supportive." Meredith nodded.

The two blondes finally noticed them and gave them a wide grin in greeting. "Oh, hey! What do you think?" Izzie asked. "Do you think it is christmassy enough?" Thea added.

Rosie raised her brow and let out a low laugh which they ignored. The brunette had been spending more time at the house and they got used to her cynical behaviour.

"I know sometimes I can go a little overboard." Izzie shrugged with Thea laughing softly.

"No, we love it." George said.

"It's great." Meredith stated in unison. Izzie and Thea's face lit up and turned to the tree.

"I love Christmas!" Thea gushed rubbing her stomach in glee. "Same!" Izzie agreed.

"Clearly." The three doctors in the room stated in unison.

The blondes didn't care as they were too preoccupied making the living room look like Santa threw up in here.


"Look at her belly. She's almost as wide as she is tall." George mumbled to Meredith. Theadora's brow furrowed in confusion from where she stood at the nurse's station.

She turned around and watched the interns grin at Bailey waddling to the station. The resident told Thea that she was pregnant and she was overjoyed by the news.

She has a hunch anyways but she didn't want to assume.

"Are her ankles swollen? Is that why she's waddling?" Meredith asked. "That is one of the reasons. The other one is that she is carrying a fat baby." Theadora dryly spoke.

The interns faced her and sent her a guilty look. "Sorry bout that." Alex shrugged. Thea pushed him away. Izzie and Thea shared a look and the two smiled at the interns who gave them a weird look.

"Hey you guys, we should all get together and get Bailey a Christmas gift for the baby. Or we could um organize some sort of secret Santa thing." Izzie rambled.

"It will be so much fun!" Thea added on, her eyes sparkling with glee. Cristina scoffed and stepped forward ready to shoot the idea down.

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