Help me.

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He couldn't just let himself get away with it...I mean, what he did can't be reversed right?

Quiet. The silence is too loud,... as the class empties the newly bright students continue there weekend plans, just one boy...One. Sat there grasping the table corner tightly like he was going to burst at any given Instead His grip softens decreasing the tension he built up. "Hey natsu! Wait!" A figure ran towards him at the very table he claimed with his presence, he couldn't help but shudder in a desolate fear. "H...hey..hisaki..." he said shakily yet quietly just above a whisper..
"Did you do it..?" As soon as Natsu heard them very words he gasped in horror covering his mouth. Eyes widening like he saw a mutilated memory. His skin turns pale like he lost his blood. What was he SO worried about...? Did he do something unforgivable...?
"Hey! You OK? Did you do my homework or not.?" He said confidently yet curiously, "are you sick? Do you need my help?"
He got impatient waiting for a response form the nearly traumatised yet frightened fellow classmate. "..n-no...I...I...didn't...have sorry." He said it like he was forced to if he didn't he would be tortured for all eternity...but..that's only trauma..not physically,...right?. "Fine...I'll let you off...but that's not what I came here for...."he immediately had an ominous and mysterious emotion surrounding his presence. Natsu immediately calmed his nerves look up at him not making eye contact at all, "then....why did you come interrogate me...? Bully me...? Beat me..?"he let out calmly yet a worried tone add with a drop of curiosity.
I came here because I know what you did to our old sensei..." he said in a dark yet straight forward tone, shaking his body as he gives Natsu a death threatening stare.
" so sorry..I-...I couldnt- he-..left me no choice! I- I-" he stuttered in a quick panic as a rush of fear and horror mixed with a wave of anxiety washed over him..he cut off his own words everything he tried to yell out an excuse for the gut-sickening crime he committed.
"I'm willing to make a deal.." he said it so calmly like...he wasn't sitting next to a blood thirsty killer.."but...I...why are you not mad, sad or...eager to seek avengence..what I-I did was not forgivable.." Natsu let out terrified but calmly as a tear escapes his eye.
"I know it wasnt..but I'm willing to forget it enter an intimate relationship with me.." as soon as he said this Natsu immediately looked down. If he didn't take this deal...would everyone know..? Would he be arrested..? Killed..? Hated..? Tortured..?
"I'll think about it..." came out a sigh as he stood up walking off slowly but calmly shaking, unable to think properly.

Faceplanting his bed he seeks for a pillow, as he finds it he grasps it. Faceplanting that aswell...tears throbbing down his cheeks, muffled screams in his pillow..he zones out falling asleep...until a nock at his door releases his freedom.."hello?! Natsu! Its me! Mikusan!" That name..he clearly knew who this girl would be- "miku?! Mikusan?!" He jumped of his bed jumping down the stairs, running into her arms.
"Where were you-" thud. He fell to the But..he clearly heard her, and he clearly saw her. His guilt was that bad....? He even envisioned his only family cant bring back the dead. Its clearly impossible!

Morning arose, he woke up sweating from panic and hanging off his bed.
"That...same nightmare...again", he spoke with withered sorrow, as he struggled recklessly to get out of his freedom from reality. Then a sudden thud...thud...thud, was heard aloring from the door. He walks dragging his feet as he slumps to the door. He cracked it open..."h...hisaki!?". Sweat dripped down his head faster then ever, he turned pale with a shock, yet a cloud of feares thoughts roaming his empty sorrow mind."Hey!I missed you.." He confidently said withour any hesitation, I guess the cherry on top was the fact he really did like Natsu...right..?
"Really...?, I one said that to me before.." Natsu was in a state of shock, he made this obvious from his white complexion and his speech was only just below a whisper. He couldnt even look hisaki in the eyes properly, let alone stand still. "Natsu... are you okay..? you look quite under the weather, something is bugging you.". Natsu, looks at him flushed in the face,... like a slice of pink salmon just thrown at his appearance.. " I... I just wanted to you me or not, or is this just some sort of joke, or game... you planned ahead for me, its on my mind.." Natsu seem genuine with his question he hesitantly asked, like...he had a feeling hidden underneath his grief and desolation burying him alive in emotion. Hisaki took one step forward quickly after taking his question in to mind, " feelings for you won't stop drowning me in thoughts and emotions. I like you...if I ever...EVER, got with you..we would have an unbreakable bond, trust me" Hisaki just blurted it out like he really meant it...does he really like Natsu..? Would it be unhealthy to say yes.? Natsu took 3 words in to mind.. "an unbreakable bond...?" He looked at him in the eyes for the first time after his grief and depression built a barrier around him. "Fine...1 chance..." he instantly regret the words he said, knowing he can't take them back.

Creator: this is short and you hear these words from most authors but hear ne out now...I will do a longer one- your sincere friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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