Love makes life easier(not)

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Picture on the top goes to Marble the bozo(would mention but it makes my text go black)

Anyways prune juice x chocolate pop(my cookie sona) because yess!! had to make choco pop 15 and prune juice 17, i'm not 15 yet but i had to age myself up so the ship could be ok

sorry to the pruneamann shippers...

let's start

Chapter 2: Love makes life easier or not!

*One day, chocolate pop was thinking about what would've happened if she had went on a date, chocolate pop was really concerned that prune juice would definitely not wanna go out with her because she thought he was busy with making his potions, so she gave up thinking about it*

*meanwhile the other people were talking about love internets*

Rockstar cookie: do you guys got a love interest 😉

Kouign amann: I have no idea, expect that I may be in love with Capsaicin cookie....

Crème brûlée: i know i'm dating linzer cookie, we had went on a date tons of times, we surely love each other😌

Prune juice: Well...Chocolate pop is in love with me, idk if i should Accept her love

Shining glitter: You should! She basically never had a girlfriend since and also, you could get someone to love you, she may give you ingredients for your potions, and lastly to go concerts with each other

Prune juice: Let's hope she does....

Rockstar: Come on prune juice! why don't you ask her out?

Prune juice: But i——

Linzer: You can do it! we know your a weak and frail cookie but, now can maybe be your chance to be brave, all you can do is ask her out or in the future, you could ask her if she can marry you!

kouign amann: Yeah! Having a girlfriend is a good thing so, like kissing and holding hands and—-

"okay okay, don't think i'd wanna do that but, at the same time I would want to" said prune juice cookie feeling flustered in his face

*they gave prune juice his confidence to ask choco pop out, maybe he can, maybe he can be brave despite the fact he is canonically a weak cookie*


Chocolate pop: I don't think prune juice will love me....its just impossible! I'll never have a boyfriend....

*chocolate pop felt so sad and she cried a little bit because of the fact she may never have a boyfriend until she heard a knock on the door*

Chocolate pop: *opens the door* Hello! come in, rn i feel sad

*she had to talk to milky way and stardust about what she has been going through*

Milky way: wait you want a boyfriend?! aren't you a little too young?

Stardust: I kinda agree, why would you want one in the first place....

Chocolate pop: because, a boyfriend would make my life happier, he could spoil me, give me things to cure my sickness, make my life easier! and also would have a hot voice too! and really sly and cute!

Milky way: *thinks to her mind* sounds like prune juice cookie....,

Milky way: Okay! so i'm assuming your in love with prune juice right?

chocolate pop: Wait how did you know?!?! i am in love with him*blushes hard*

Stardust: Well, We'd wish you luck, why don't you take a break and get over with the fact you want a boyfriend

Chocolate pop: i'll try...

*chocolate pop walks away and tries to stop wanting a boyfriend, but it wasn't until she saw the other people earlier, wanting to show Chocolate something*

Rockstar: Hey choco! just in time, we wanted to show something to you

Kouign amann: Prune juice wants to say something to you!

Chocolate pop: really?

Linzer: here he is!

Prune juice: okay...*walks closer to chocolate*, look choco, you're kinda beautiful and adorable and i want you to be my girlfriend... please, will you accept my love?

Chocolate pop: *feeling happy* Wait WHAT?!?! You're in love with me?! yk what of course i'll be your girlfriend, but why did you wanna be my bf in the first place

Prune juice: because, i wanted to make you happy, I heard you were wanting a boyfriend and you'd be sad if you never had one so, you deserve it! and so do I

Chocolate pop: Let me kiss you!

*without any warning. choco and prune juice start kissing each other on the lips*

Crème brûlée: awwww, how cute!

Shining glitter: See prune juice how brave you feel?

Prune juice: yeah...... i feel so brave now but i'm still a frail cookie...

*they all clap for the couple who had just been coupled*

Chocolate: wanna go to my house with milky way and stardust, i believe that Right now they are talking about the galaxy but, wanna kiss again?*

Prune juice: sure babe!

*they both walked away and they started kissing again*

lesson: Remeber ppl, no matter if your boyfriend is not your crush, it makes life easier and can sometimes make you happier which may not be true but...yeah

-end of episode 1-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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