[ONESHOT] MePhone4 Pro x MePhone4

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After a few months of Co-Hosting, MePhone4 Pro had to fill in for her brother, MePhone4. She kept thinking what happened to her bro, did he get sick, is he at death's door? 4 Pro decided to go find out.

She knocked on her brother's door in Hotel OJ, no answer. She tried jiggling the doorknob, still no answer. "Uh, brother, you alright?" She heard a mumble come from inside the room. "Bro?" Another small mumble was emitted from the room. "Alright, I'm coming in." 4 Pro used her electrokinesis to knock down the door. It crackled and smoked as it fell into the room.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed MePhone4 lying on his bed on his screen. 4 Pro went over to him and rubbed his back. "Tell me, are you ok?" Only a mumble was emitted. 4 Pro flipped her brother's on his back, revealing his electric blue screen. It was stained and smudged from the tears and it was much more pale.

"Oh jeez, brother what have you been doing for the past week?" "I d-d-don't know." MePhone4 glitched a bit, which gave his sister a concerned face. "Here, eat these," said MePhone4 Pro, while holding a jar of cookies out for her depressed brother. 4 reached out and grabbed a cookie from his sis. He sat up, scooted closer to his sister, and layed his body against 4 Pro.

4 Pro put her arm around her brother as he at each his cookie. "So, I-I think I should tell you what happened to me," MePhone4 quietly told his sis. MePhone4 Pro just replied with a small nod. Her brother waited for a reply before he started his story. "Ok then, so I was just returning to continue season two of II, and everyone just- attacked me, strangest thing." He finished his cookie and scooted even closer to his sis.

4 Pro brought her bro in for a hug. "It's ok..."

322 words

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 21 ⏰

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