18. Echoes of Mirage

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Though it remains to be seen if the Jedi were successful in defeating the Dark Lord and the one behind the Senate's influence, they were nevertheless cheered by the capture of Darth Mirage. Together with Jedi Master Luminara, Padawan Ahsoka Tano was entrusted with overseeing the convicts' journey to Coruscant for the purpose of prosecuting and putting on trial the recently captured Sith. It had escaped their notice that the capture of Darth Mirage had set off a massive waterfall that his allies were trying to scale to rescue their leader.

The Jedi attempted to confess to his alleged transgressions on board the flagship "Tranquility," but Darth Mirage only gave them blank stares as he stood in his cage. Despite several attempts to obtain information from Darth Mirage, the planet Rodia remained quiet hours later.

Padawan Ahsoka Tano became frustrated and demanded that the Dark Lord confess; however, the Jedi Master attempted to pull Ahsoka away while he peered at the sabre's shine. The Jedi continued to follow their code, attempting to reason with and bargain with Darth Mirage in an attempt to catch him off guard. "If she is the future of the Jedi, then your presumed order has already lost this war," the Dark Lord stated as they stepped out of the cell.

The flagship's crew was abruptly informed by the ship alarm that a ship was going to emerge from hyperspace directly in front of them, while the Jedi Master was reprimanding the Padawan. Fearing for their lives, the crew informed the passengers that they were in battle with the "Warlord," the brotherhood's most prominent battlecruiser, which was known as one of the Separatist fleets that had attacked Corellia and had been able to destroy countless venators in short skirmishes.

The "Tranquility" tried to fire upon the "Warlord," but was unable to do so. This confused the naval officials as to why, but they were unable to find out before they could receive an explanation. The Republic vessel was quickly rendered crippled, and the command centre was destroyed when the "Warlord" unleashed a barrage of turbolasers, destroying the majority of its armaments in a single, strategic location.

The Republic starship is simply floating in space due to the damage it has sustained; therefore, the "Warlord" directed its boarding craft to a predetermined spot. A sinister aura among the boarding craft attracted her out of the detention cell, and the Jedi Master told the padawan to stay and provide protection while she attempted to assist her men and green company.

Every time a Droch-class boarding ship pierces a Venator class's hull, super battledroids are unleashed to cause havoc throughout the ship. The republic encounters an overwhelming force as they try to defend the border, and when each of them fires at the droids, all they get in return is a shrug from the armoured droids.

The republic's ranks were filled with shouts of anarchy, death, and dread, but they were ignorant that this just helped to energise the Sith Lord and this specific individual. AT-TE was expecting a droid assault from one of its recently breached boarding ships across the Venator-class star destroyer Green Company, but all it got was silence.

Suddenly, the lights in the Hangar Bay area began gradually blinking on and off, bewildering all the troopers. Every warrior, with their blasters directed at the assumed boarding craft and lights on their helmets, was sweating and frightened as stillness descended. They were all prepared for an encounter.

 They were all prepared for an encounter

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