1 - Nightmares and Dreams

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Rody has just came back home from the bistro with a plate of leftovers. He hated working there as much as he hated the food. But his love for Manon made him push trough, he couldn't stop now.

He looked like a hot mess. Hair messy, clothes wrinkled. His eyes baggs showed how much sleep he needed. He couldn't even look at himself trough a mirror. He hated his apearence, but he didn't care enough to fix anything about it. The only thing he cared for was Manon and nobody else.

Rody picked up his phone and dialed Manon's phone number. The ringing was loud in Rody's sad and quiet room. Lamoree waited and waited, but no one answered. He was slowly losing hope at this point. He doesn't know how much longer he can live like this. He knew he might have came as aggressive or controlling, but he had so much love to give even though no one wanted to receive it.

Rody plopped onto his sofa and closed his eyes thinking of all the good memories he had with Manon. A small smile apeared on his lips. He just hopes she finaly answers his calls. Lamoree finaly drifts into a needed sleep.




Suddenly he wakes up trembling. He had a nightmare again. Ever since he started working at the bistro he kept having these weird nightmares. Vincent keeps apearing in his dreams. He hates it. Because of the dreams Rody is even scared to go to work, but it's not like he can do much about that.

While taking long breaths he slowly calmes down. He sits up looking at his suroundings. Looking out the window he saw the beautiful red sky. It was comfroting for him. Red is the colour of love after all. He misses having Manon by his side.

Rody checks the time. 5:00. Quite early isn't it ? Maybe another nap wouldn't hurt. What about the nightmares? What about work? He might sleep trough his alarm. But what will he do for that long? Safe to say Rody was stressing and all the progress he did to calm himself down, was out the window.

He took a long breath and started getting ready for work. It wouldn't hurt to get there early. He rather be early then late. After all Vincent wouldn't be the happiest if Rody was late, maybe even fire him. He didn't want that. No. It was too late to back down.

After fixing his outfit Rody took his old, crusty bike out the door and started biking. The weather was quite nice this morning. The birds were churping and the sun was shining. It was perfect.

The waiter got there quite earlier then he anticipated. He tried opening the door, but it didn't budge. It was still locked. Maybe if he knocks Vincent would let him in?




A tired, slender man opened the door. His eyes slightly widened. It's weird to see Rody comming on time. Even weirder that he's here earlier.

"Good morning Rody. Come in."
"Hey Vince." Rody walked in and sat at the nearest table while taking long breaths. Biking certainly didn't help with his tiredness.

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