Am starting to think its fate

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Sadiq's POV

So get this am aimlessly typing away on my phone right when abdallah pulls over at a familiar restaurant and I first sight said azeeza coming out along with someone very familiar.

Noor of course it had to be her why was it that the moment I start forgetting her she just decides to show up like I would have been fine not seeing her again .

My life was just fine before she walked in and jumbled my thoughts mtswwww.

But the main question why is she here cause knowing Noor and her egotistical self wouldn't just agree to this based on the few encounters I've had with her

Abdallah unlocks the car doors as they both sit in the back and like that she suddenly looks at me probably only noticing now that it's me

'God Abeg' Noor says as she turns to azeeza and gives her a knowing look

'It's not my fault but in the bright side he may be a candidate'
Says azeeza

Candidate for what I ask since there clearly referring to me .

'It's non of your business is it'
Noor asks raising on brow in an attempt to look intimidating it's safe to say she failed woefully

You know being rude isn't cute noori
I say raising my own brow to stare at her

' whatever'
She says under her breath and continues talking to azeeza only now in hushed tones

15 minutes into the ride azeeza suddenly blurts

' Noor needs you to be her fake boyfriend to convince her dad about something'

Now I'm intrigued I turn to look at said Noor giving her a knowing smirk

Is that so noori

I ask as we make direct I contact

' it isn't well it is but I don't need your help so no thankyou'

I didn't offer said help so what are you saying thankyou for either way let's face it you need me and I might need your help too.

I wasn't kidding I do need her help dad's been pressuring me to get married and saying he has a girl in mind for me and I will not be subject to an arranged marriage whatsoever so I kind of need Noor to fill in that gap , why not ask Nadia then you may ask but it's a big no my dad would never agree seeing as Nadia is one not a socialite's kid sure her dad is reasonably rich but not a politician, Bringing Nadia home is like cementing commitment am not ready for , I know Noor and noor also is not a big fan of commitment from what I've heard.
Bottom line is that's this is perfect
She needs me and I sort of need her for now before I fix the Nadia issue and move on with her .

' sadiq I don't trust you not one bit and I hate to say it but your my only sort of hope so if you want me to beg I'll put aside my ego and I'll beg '

Wow I never thought she'll actually ask obviously I also need her so it's a yes but I'm not about to tell her that so what do I do I play safe

That begging option does sound good can't lie but I'll Take the option another time when I might need it for now it's a yes I'll help you deceive your father Noor

I sarcastic add to push my luck

' funny and don't expect a thank you sadiq'

We dropped them off at home after that and exchanged numbers mutually who would have thought that after all that number drama noor would be the one to offer her number herself and to think I followed her to her office god life is so funny Sha se said our salams and left with the promise to talk about how to play this out

And I can't lie this is about to be fun as hell and I can't also wait

Noor saed dantatta what have you gotten yourself into

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