Chapter 1: Shackles

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Springtrap carefully opened the door to the room where Nightmare was being held, being cautious to not make too much noise as to not wake the others. If they found him in here, he knew they'd think he was a traitor. He didn't want to help Nightmare; But he wanted to get answers. And Nightmare was the only one he knew of, other than the small plush bunny, that would have them. Springtrap flinched as Nightmare's eyes opened and his ears shot up, knowing that this was dangerous being in here alone. Despite that, he took a breath and sat in front of Nightmare. "I... don't know if you can understand me, but... I need to know what happened to one of my friends. He's very dear to me." He began, rubbing his arm as he could feel the prickly glare that Nightmare was giving him.
"I'm not that stupid, Bonnie." Nightmare spoke in a low hiss-like voice, his tongue flicking between his sharp teeth as he spoke.
"Huh... I thought nightmares were dumb like dogs..." Springtrap said without much thought until he saw the black bear frown at him. "Sorry.." He looked away. "Just... if you know anything about my friend, just tell me."
"I didn't take all of them, so I can't be sure which one you're talking about." Nightmare tilted his head to the side as he spoke, his eyes less narrowed at the bunny sitting in front of him.
"Do you know of one that looks like Fredbear?" Springtrap asked, his ears laid against his back since he was worried.
"Yes, there was that one that had peaked that thing's interest. Had a little more power to offer..." Nightmare replied flatly, nose scrunched up at the thought of that damned puppet.
"So... what exactly is going on? What happened, from your perspective? I've been having a feeling that Fredbear knows more about the situation than he's letting on. But I can't pressure him enough to make him spit it out." Springtrap continued with his questions, resting his hands in his lap.
"What do you already know? I don't feel like repeating information that you already know about." Nightmare released his words in a short growl, his ear twitching occasionally; Eyes looking at Springtrap sharply.
"Plushtrap said that there was some kind of... puppet, or.. entity, that came and tried to force you and your... people, as he put it, to join them in some kind of... I don't know how to put it." Springtrap looked to the floor as he spoke, trying to think.
"That thing thinks this is all a game, and they're starting here. If they're not stopped here, they'll leave this place and–" Nightmare leaned his head to the side, eyes narrowed and his muzzle scrunched into that of a snarl.
"Spread across the world." Springtrap finished for Nightmare. His ears twitched nervously.
"Exactly," Nightmare huffed, shifting in the chair he was bound to at the wrists.
Springtrap thought for a moment. "Do they have a motive?" He asked, looking up and into Nightmare's eyes.
"Not that I know of," Nightmare shook his head. "But that thing seemed power hungry. It was trying to get as many individuals under it's control as it could. They seem the most interested in individuals that are powerful and can be dangerous. As far as I know, that's why they came to me and my people first. I still don't know it found us, or got into that box. There was no entrance nor exit. It was sealed with no way for even someone such as myself to get out." He spoke with a burning hatred in his voice.
"So it'd be coming after someone like me next." Springtrap thought aloud.
"Someone like you, yes. The imfamous murderer from the 80's." Nightmare spoke in a more monotone voice then, leaning back in the chair.
"How do you know about that??" Springtrap looked up quickly at Nightmare.
"How could I not hear of such a person? The news of the murders was enough to get though even the walls of the box." Nightmare replied casually, his ear twitching and flicking at the silence of the world outside of the room he was in.
"So... I suppose we're both being blamed for things that aren't our fault," Springtrap spoke with a small smile, standing up slowly.
"Yes... now run away, you don't want Fredbear finding you in here." Nightmare huffed, pausing for a moment afterwards. "Oh, and before you go. Don't tell anyone else I can talk." He grinned a little, "I want to scare them a little more."
Springtrap nodded slowly and left the room, smiling softly to himself. He felt like he had made some good terms with Nightmare, considering their first meeting.

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