Chapter 1

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"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This does not seem like a good idea, Dinah. This looks like some type of fucking ceremony, that we are very clearly not invited too." Said Camila

"Listen bitch, you are not wrong on that because I'm definitely getting some weird rich people vibes. Some type of stupid ass founders dinner or something. But Mila you have to do this."

"The Fuck I do! Drive me home."

"Absolutely fucking not Mila. Get.The.Hell out of this car! You will not duck this, you will not stay in this car, and we will not wait till tomorrow. Tomorrow is already here, now get out!"

"Fine. Mila grumbled to herself. When did you become such a bitch?" She said in both a defeated and irritated way.

"About the same time you got pregnant and went from my sweet Mila to a whiny little bitch. She said experating the last few words coming out of her mouth.

Calming down Dinah spoke again.

"Mila, I swear we will wait here until you are ready but you are getting out of this car tonight."

"Dinah I'm just so scared." Her eyes filling to the brim with water do to the prolonged panic.

"I know, but in case you haven't noticed or maybe that almost non-existent baby bump is Playing Tricks on your mind but you are 6 months pregnant. It took us two months to get to this point and three days for you to get the courage to come here. You have made your choice, and putting it off is no longer an option. Unless you're standing here telling me that you've changed your mind, and that you would rather raise this baby on your own. If that is your choice I will support you. But let it be your choice because you think it's best and not because of fear. If your choice is the former than just go through with it, because mama ain't raise no bitch!" Ending her speech with a light chuckle.

She looked down at her friend still sitting in the car contemplating. Though she was still sitting in the passenger's seat her body was now turned towards Dinah who was standing outside of the car, her feet were now both on the concrete outside the vehicle. It was definitely progress. The young Polynesian girl definitely empathized with her smaller Cuban friends dilemma but the back and forth was getting out of hand.

Mila had been an indecisive mess since finding out she was pregnant. And though some of this could be chalked up to pregnancy brain other parts of it she knew was due to her friend being completely scared of the future. So many people had given her opinions or tried to tell her what to do that the girl just seemed completely overwhelmed. Dinah would never judge her for any decision, she couldn't. Her and Mila have been best friends since forever and moving to New York 8 years ago only made them that much more dependent on one another.

Dinah looked down at her friend, growing calmer with each second of silence and decided to bend down to her level in order to look in the eye.

"I will hold your hand until you are ready to let I always have." Dinah held out her hand to her very best friend in the entire world and just waited for her to take it.

"I know DJ.....ok.......I'm ready to go inside." Mila turned her head back down to stare at the floor as she said this but she gave Dinah's hand a light squeeze and she moved the stand.

The taller Polynesian girl helped her smaller Cuban friend get to her feet. Once Mila was firmly on her feet and standing at her side they both walked hand in hand from the sidewalk to the inside of the Grand Hotel standing before them. Neither girl was able to mix in with the stragglers also walking through the giant brass doors into the swanky lobby, mostly were wearing beautiful dresses and some wearing suits.

Looking around at the guests coming into the hotel made her even more nervous. So Mila just kept her eyes on one focal point, the front desk. Her feet seemed to get heavier and heavier the closer she got to the front desk. Finally standing in front of it she let go of her friends hand to hold her weight up on the side of the desk. The hotel worker looked up with a slight smile before speaking.

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