Chapter 2

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"GIIIRRRRLLL! You said you had a one night stand with a beautiful woman, you never said you had and illicit affair what a goddamn Vanderbilt!!

Camilla stood there with her mouth hanging wide open. She was seemingly stuck in some sort of daze, and Dinah tried to bring her back down to reality.

"DJ, it wasn't an affair! I mean I....I...didn't know. She never said that-"

"That she was a rich philandering asshole engaged to be married." Dinah's last words came out in an almost seething nature much different from the tone she took when she first spoke, noticing the sign.

Camila was completely at a loss for words, or for any bodily function, all she could do was stand there. It was bad enough that she was having an unplanned pregnancy while not even being in any type of relationship but this person was engaged to be married to Someone else. She honestly thought the worst part was that she didn't know the person, that it was a one night stand that she never saw again. Her and her friends, Dinah and Ally, had spent the last 2 months after finding out she was pregnant trying to find this person.

They had all gone through hell, she couldn't exactly type in the words beautiful green eyes, and Lauren into Google and have her pop up in order to locate her. Ally had to use everything she had at her disposal from her job working in the public records department at the New York Library. While Dinah had tried to use any databases at the Bronx courthouse she was interning at. This was the one time she cut loose, and it was completely out of the ordinary and she was paying for it ten fold.

After weeks of processing she had grown happy about the baby, it everyone and everything else that was giving her anxiety. She barely knew this woman and had to tell her about the baby and now also she was going to ruin some poor unsuspecting woman's life who was apparently supposed to marry Lauren Tomorrow. This was not on her list of worst case scenarios when seeking Lauren out. They had had only one night together but also spent the whole afternoon together prior to having sex. They talked about so much and a fiance was never mentioned.

Bye now Dinah was practically foaming at the mouth with how angry she was. Simultaneously feeling angry and guilty. Angry about her best friend being lied to and used since the woman had a fiance and guilty because she was the one that goated her best friend into cutting Loose. She had joked with her and joked on her for weeks after her last break up telling her she was too safe and a chronic romantic. Nothing was inherently wrong with her being a romantic, but it led her friend to consistently give chances to people who didn't deserve her and constantly seeing the better side of people who were just shitty.

She needed her to not treat every romantic prospect so intensely, she really didn't want to watch her friends heart break again while she ignored both Dinah and the signs claiming she was over protective. She was pissed.

"I'm so stupid-"

"Hey you too, if your sound check or something that was 20 mins ago. Party's over for you, your drab decor is definitely messing with the formal obeisance of the party. Let's go." The rude woman was wearing cream colored pants suits with a light pink colored silk shirt. Her long dark hair flowing down her back. She had a clipboard in hand and a small nude earpiece in her right ear.

Though still angry at both the situation and now the rudely worded interruption Dinah took a deep breath and spoke.

"We are not the damn sound check-"

"Well then I don't care who you are you need to go because you two obviously weren't invited"

Dinah took a glance at Mila who at this point looked to be fighting tears once again. She looked back at the woman who was currently trying to shew them from the bar to the exit.

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