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"I wish I was there, Rapunzel," Do-Yeon sadly said

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"I wish I was there, Rapunzel," Do-Yeon sadly said. "Call me if she bothers you again, okay?"

"Okay." Hendery cried into the phone.

"Take care, Rapunzel. Say hi to your family for me."

Hendery laughed while wiping his eyes. "Yeah, will do."

They hung up, leaving one another thinking.

Do-Yeon knew Xin Yi was no good, but saying "I told you so" wasn't something Hendery needed to hear right now.

She was glad Yuze wasn't too far and was able to pick him up. She just wished she could've help Hendery.

Do-Yeon felt a wave of anger overcome her. The distance, the inability to do anything to help someone she cared about, the worry.

It was all too much.

Still, Do-Yeon tried, and she would keep trying until Hendery left her, which she doubted would ever happen.

A knock at her bedroom door startled the red head. She saw her mother peek her head through the door.

"Sweetie," she said while opening the door more. "Your friends are here. Go right on in!"

The girl raised an eyebrow, not expecting any guest.

Xiaojun, Doyoung, and Shotaro stepped into the room. Shotaro excitedly waved and ran to her bed, while the other two stood by the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" She laughed while hugging Shotaro. He was too cute.

"You didn't get Hendery's Christmas present, did you?" Xiaojun accused.

The girl's jaw dropped. Xiaojun nodded his head, satisfied with knowing her response. "Exactly, now get up. We're going shopping."

Shotaro cheered and pulled Do-Yeon to her feet. The three guys waited downstairs while she got ready.

Once in the car, Do-Yeon asked, "How did my mom know you were my friends?"

"I'm your neighbor."

"I said hi to her on the phone once."

"I just told her I'm your friend," Shotaro grinned. "She said 'aww' and let me in."

Do-Yeon nodded. Sounded about right.

Doyoung parked the car and got out, the others following suit. Do-Yeon recognized they were at the mall she used to go to, specifically the bookstore.

"Now," Xiaojun said with his hand on his hips. "Where do we begin?"

"The bookstore!" Do-Yeon cheered, knowing she would find something for Hendery there.



The group nodded and smiled at the bookstore's cashier. Do-Yeon recognized him as the boy who was always there when she went months ago.

He looked different now. He had longer, darker hair. That made her Do-realize she hadn't been here in months.

Shotaro took a stuff animal out of the shelf and held it close to him. "It's cute!" He beamed.

The group cooed at him, agreeing with his statement.

"Want it, Taro?" Doyoung asked.

Said boy gasped and held the plush closer to him. "Yes!" He suddenly frowned and looked at the floor. "It's too expensive though."

The older chuckled and patted Shotaro's head. "I'll buy it for you!"

Xiaojun and Do-Yeon started to complain about favoritism. Doyoung sighed and said they could get something too.

The pair cheered and went around the store in search for what they wanted.

"Don't forget to get Hendery's present." Xiaojun warned.

The girl held her arms up in surrender. "I won't, I won't. Why are you so persistent about this gift though?"

Xiaojun shrugged, picking up a Cinnamoroll notebook. "It's your first Christmas."

Do-Yeon softly smiled. She reached next to Xiaojun and picked up a My Melody notebook. "I'll get him this and something else."

The boy next to her laughed. "He does love pink."

"Of course, why'd you think I picked it out?" The red head said while throwing her hair across her shoulder.

The pair laughed and walked to Doyoung. Xiaojun presented his notebook while Do-Yeon tightly wrapped her arms around hers.

Doyoung raised an eyebrow. "You want to pay for it?"

"It's not for me, it's for Kunhang. I'll pick my free item at the next store." Do-Yeon playfully batted her eyes at the older.

Shotaro and Xiaojun laughed and walked towards the checkout with Do-Yeon. The eldest followed suit, sighing at their antics.

After paying and leaving the store, Shotaro whispered in Do-Yeon's ear.

"The cashier was staring at you the whole time!"

Do-Yeon shrugged. "I didn't notice. Oh! Let's go there!"


"I feel like something's missing." Do-Yeon said while looking down at the present in the box.

The group of four arrived at the post office, ready to send Hendery's gift out.

The girl stroked her jaw while humming to herself. Her eyes widened. She took out the tinted lip balm she always carried in her purse and smiled.

She applied it and kissed the letter she wrote to Hendery. Xiaojun pretend to throw up, earning a smack from Shotaro.

"Taro!" He complained while rubbing his arm. "What was that for?!"

"For hating on young love." Shotaro smiled while looking at the girl in front of him.

He loved seeing Do-Yeon happy.

After talking with Hendery in the cafe, Shotaro hoped he would change. He didn't like seeing both his friends so unhappy, especially Do-Yeon.

He was glad Hendery apologized to her.

"All done!"

The friends went back to Doyoung's car.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Doyoung asked.

The teens looked at one another before they all yelled, "Icecream!"

"Don't worry, Do-twin, I got you!" Do-Yeon held her thumb up and winked at the man.

Doyoung smiled, realizing the headache of hanging out with them was worth it in the end.

It's been a while and I do apologize. SORRY‼️
This chapter was a filler (please excuse any errors) and ITS BC IDK WHAT I SHOULD DO LIKE PLS PLS
BEFORE THEY MAKE IT OFFICAL, what do you guys wanna see?
Miscommunication, new love interest, a new ship, etc⁉️⁉️PLS PLS LMK ]

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