Music Box

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"Do you really think you can defeat me?" Gisela smirked, looking unsettling like her son. 

Keefe scowled, and Sophie was right along with him. She didn't have to be an empath to know the entire group felt the same. Sophie reached for Keefe's hand knowing her boyfriend needs her support. he tightened his hand around her is acknowledgment. 

Sophie glanced back at her friends determined faces. 

Linh with her water in hand.

Marella with fire.

Marucas holding up the force field  ready to drop it when she gave the word.

Fitz, Tigern,  Jensi and Alden holding a meddler.

Dex with his sucker puncher strapped on and a million to other gadgets hidden on his person. 

Tam with his shadows.

Wylie with his light.

Biana flickering in and out of sight.

Grady hand held ready to mesemer someone.

Elwin, a surprising addition, on stand by like a combat nurse ready to heal anyone at a moments notice.

They could do this.  Sophie reached and unholstered  hope, the dagger that Ro gave her, from her back. Looking to Maruca she gave her a slight nod and Maruca dropped the force field.

"Well, You're going to regret trying" Gisela asked through her smile, her smile gave Sophie shiver. Keefe's mom snapped her fingers, she was a conjuror a ability none knew she had toll a couple of weeks ago, bring in a colorful box.

A Music Box.

"I think you'll enjoy what happens next Sophie, it is rather human after all", cackling she opened the box. A series of musical notes chipped and plucked filling the air. 

The air that was now blackening . Keefe's fingers were all that she felt when she fell.


         Waking up all she heard were voices, soft ones. the kind she wanted to hug close to her chest. It was all she could think about before the memories flooded her.

The Fight!


Her Team!

Lady Gisela!

The Music Box!

She jolted up, eyes wide frantically looking around the unknown room full of elegant red drapes, white beds with bodies tucked into them, people she knew. 

Edaline, her adopted-but-fells-more-like-a-real-mom, her face was creased, eye lids heavy and under them were  shadows.

"Where am I?" "What happened?" "Is everyone okay" "where's Keefe and Grady and everyone?" 

This is what she meant to say but it came out like, "WhereamIWhathappenedIseveryoneokayWheresKeefeandGradyandeveryone"

Edaline chuckled and must've thankfully understanding her slurred words because she said, "We are at a Black Swan Medic Facility, Everyone that went with you are right here" 

Se gestured towards the bed to her right , Grady , and to her left, Keefe.

"As for what happened Livy is trying to figure that part out" 

Sophie nodded seeing the black swan member in the corner surrounded  by vials. Mr. Forkle or any of the collective wasn't here yet so she prepared herself for the arguments for when they did.Only for her mental preparation to be broken by Keefe groaning  and frantically looking around eventually his gaze landed on her. 

They both released a breathe of relief.

"Sophie" he held out his hand. she took it. his serious expression changed into his trademark smirk, "I'm guessing we all almost fostered it?" 

"Seems like i-" She was caught of by another, another, another, another and another groan.

Everyone was waking up.

Albeit frantic and after Sophie, Edaline and Keefe claimed everyone down someone else entered the room a VERY angry group of rebels but before anyone -mostly Forkle- could get a word in Fitz started to sing.   

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