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"Fay-san! Fay-San! Thank you for saving my momma!", the little girl waving you goodbye at your departing figure.

You turned your body and waved goodbye to the little girl. Turning your body back around to continue in the direction you were heading Cocoyasi Village.

Your adoptive sister Nami had messaged you that the village was finally free from the hands of Arlong and to come over as soon as you could so she could explain how it happened. You couldn't fathom how your village was finally free from Arlong's grasp. It's been so many years and finally, he was gone. You couldn't wait to go back home to see Nojiko and Nami again since it's been a couple of years.

You left Cocoyasi village when you were 17 and haven't returned since then. During those years that you were gone, you had eaten the Naosu Naosu fruit which gives you the ability to heal any disease or injury. You were able to heal anyone you came across which made you happy, but also very sad because what if you had gotten this power sooner. Then you could have saved Bell-mere, your dear mother. You shook your head at the negative thought right now was not the time to dwell on that you know Bell-mere wouldn't have wanted to think that way.

When you finally snapped out of that thought you saw Cocoyasi village come into view with orange-haired and blue-haired figures waiting at the gates. You instantly recognize those hair colors anywhere. 

You picked up your pace and started to run at full speed, "NOJIKO! NAMI!", you screamed.

"(Y/n)!!! It's been so long!", waved Nami.

You bear-hugged your sisters with tears in the corner of your eyes, "It's been so long!"

Nojiko smirked and ruffled your hair, "Don't be such a crybaby now! We have a celebration to get to! 

You let go of the two and smiled, "That's right! You have to give me the details of how Arlong left on our way back to the village square."

Nojiko pointed towards Nami, "It's all thanks to her friends."

Nami blushed embarrassed, "They are not my friends!"

You tilted your head and pondered, "Are they Marines?"

Nojiko smiled evilly, "Even better, our little sister's friends are pirates!"

"Pirates?!?!", you were shocked, there was no way Nami made friends with Pirates.

Nami scratched her cheek nervously and stuck out her tongue, "Heh....yea they are pirates. A bunch of idiots if you as me. Wait until you meet them! We have this divine cook named Sanji, a swordsman named Zoro, a scary cat sniper, and an idiot captain!"

You laughed as Nami went on about the pirates, you couldn't wait to meet the people who helped your village be free.




You three finally made it to the village and boy did Nami's friends sure make an impression on you.

"Mademoiselle! You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on! Will you do me the honor of being my date for this evening's festivities!", yelled Sanji and he held your hand in his.

You smiled gently and took your hand back, "Thank you for the compliment, but I will have to decline."

Zoro snorted at your rejection of Sanji, "Looks like lover-boy got declined again."

Sanji glared at Zoro and got close to his face, "Shut up Mosshead! You wouldn't know the first thing about women!"

As the two were fighting you were introduced to the two remaining members, Usopp was telling you the grand tale of how he defeated Arlong, while Luffy was looking for meat around the village square. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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