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According to our sanantan dharma ( known as hindu Dharma) time period of this universe is divided into 4 parts :
1) Satyuga : It was considered the time period when everyone was so kind and was saintly .In this period, there was peace and non violence.
2) Tretayuga : It was considered the time where there was most good people and very little evil people. It is believed the lord rama appeared in this time period.
3) Dwarpayuga : Ir was  considered the period in which good and evil people were part of same family . Lord Krishna appeared in this period .
4) kaliyuga: It is believed that the time period which is currently going on is kaliyuga .  In this period, there is most of the evil people and very less good >
We had completed 5,124 years of kaliyuga . It will last for 432,000 years and then Satyuga will start again .
The first 10,000 yrs of kaliyuga is considered as golden period In this there will be spirituality in people ( Currently, golden period is going )
Hare Krishna 💖

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