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Calla's POV
I was once a 21 year old college student, studying to be a Veterinarian. I had always loved animals and found them to be the most innocent and pure creatures in the world. I had planned to dedicate my life to helping and protecting them....

But sadly that dream was cut short thanks to a drunk truck driver.

I was then reincarnated in some random women's womb. I also realized that I wasn't alone... I had a twin. I was excited because I had always wanted to be a twin, having been an only child to neglectful and absent parents before, I was eager to start over and try to have a family.

Then I was reborn as Callista "Calla" Regina Swan, the younger twin of Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan, and second daughter of Charlie and Renée Swan.

I was eager to rewrite Twilight, and make it better for everyone. I was also happy to be twins with Bella, a girl I had idolized and admired when I was a naive 9 year old girl.... But sadly reality was not like the books.

My dad, Charlie Swan, stood at 6'0 feet tall and had an athletic build. His porcelain white skin contrasted against his straight raven hair and dark umber eyes. He's dorky, awkward, but absolutely adorable and sweet.

My mom, Renee Higginbotham, stood at 5'4 feet tall and had a slim build. Her olive skin was gorgeous with her short, curly red hair and her diamond blue eyes. She's eccentric in a good way, funny, understanding, and compassionate.

Finally, my twin sister, Bella. Bella, stood at an even 5'5 feet tall had a slim build. She has straight dark brown hair, that ends at her shoulder blades, and dark milk brown eyes with olive skin (not pale like in the books).

She was described as the selfless, courageous, and innocent heroine.... But she was actually selfish, arrogant, and rude.

I didn't hate her at first, and thought we could have a close relationship. Like actual twins sisters, but she proved me wrong when we were 4.

To explain the events leading up to the beginning of Twilight;

Our mother had divorced our father, and packed us up at 1 1/2 years and moved in with our grandmother Marie.

Renee took off, for college, leaving us to be raised by our grandmother.

At first Bella was a sweet, adorable, and affectionate twin sister.... Then we turned 4 and she changed.

She just woke up one day and attacked me with a toy block.

She became self centered and bitter. Constantly bullying and abusing me.... I would occasionally fight back, it got to the point where Gran would have to keep us in separate rooms throughout the day, because Bella was always attacking me for no reason.

We grew up, and I tried to avoid her but she would occasionally get ahold of me and try to attack me and "disfigure my ugly face" and fail....

Because I didn't hesitate to bitch slap her.

When we turned 14, everything changed. Our grandma died, and our mother remarried to Phil. We were then presented with the choice of living with our mom or our dad.

I jumped at the opportunity to move in with dad. I was always closer to him and more of a daddy's girl while Bella was a momma's girl. So Bella stayed with Renee.

I moved in with dad, and worked my butt off. First I ensured that Aunt Sarah and Uncle Harry stayed alive, then I played matchmaker with my friends and dad 😈

I made a friend group and managed to find their perfect match. I also got my dad to ask that sweet lady at the Lodge, Cora, out.... They got married a couple weeks ago and we finally got the phone call.....








Bella was moving in with us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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