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Question by sugarggukiee

1. Where are you from?

- I'm Turkish but I was born and raised in Germany

2. What's your fav color and food?

- I really tried to have a favourite color but over the years I realised that I can't decide 😭 So I basically love every color but these days more natural colors like beige and light brown/ light pink are my pick. I always loved pink too since I was little. You see it's very hard for me to decide.
My favourite foods are makarlama, erişte, çemen,imam bayıldı and kırmızı mercimek çorbası. Again, it's very hard for me to decide (Im indecisive asf). Incase y'all don't know the foods, I'll explain them:

Makarlama: A Turkish dish with little, in water cooked dough squares with melted cheese on top.

Erişte: Again a Turkish dish. They are a kind of noodles but they don't really have that noodle consistency. There is also a soup "erişte çorbası" and it's one of my favs too!

Çemen: Not a dish but a spread with mainly vegetables (peppers and tomatoes). I don't really know what exactly the ingredients are though 😭

imam bayıldı. Translated literally means: the imam fainted😭 its eggplant stuffed with minced meat. It's so good that the imam fainted while eating it😀

kırmızı mercimek çorbası: Red lentil soup

Besides from that I love cheesecake, white chocolate and Ice cream too!

3. If you win a lottery rn, what would you do?

I'd give a lot of charity (ppl/kids in need, food packages etc) and open a faucet for people in countries who don't have a lot of water. I'd go to hajj and umrah with all of my loved ones and invest in a biiiig villa. I'd also buy new clothes and ofc gifts for my fam and friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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