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  "Amusement park?" Looking at the ticket in his hand, Wei Lilu was a little surprised.

  Because this place had a relatively high appearance rate in a popular idol drama recently, she knew what this place was about and the little girl's yearning for this place.

  About three years ago, a large amusement park was built next to the city's central park. At that time, the little girl would take a long detour every day after school and pass by the gate of the amusement park, dreaming that one day she would be able to pass through the entrance and enter that fantasy world.

  However, she never said her thoughts out loud, and it was naturally impossible for Wei Chengze to know her thoughts, so this little wish never came true.

  Observing Wei Chengze's expression carefully, Wei Lilu did not hide his feelings.

  She knew that Wei Chengze had never been interested in this kind of thing, why suddenly...?

  Wei Lilu didn't think that Wei Chengze suddenly became able to read her thoughts. Even if she really wanted to help Wei Chengze speak, this guy's mind was really not sharp. Otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed my daughter's thoughts for so many years.

  Facing Wei Lilu's probing gaze, Wei Chengze looked away uncomfortably and said, "When I was on the street, I was forced to do so by others." After he finished speaking, he paused, as if for the sake of To enhance the persuasiveness of his words, he added, "There seems to be some activity."

  "..." Looking at the serious look of the person in front of him, Wei Lilu said that this person's ability to lie is, No progress at all.

  However, it is precisely because of this that it looks so...cute.

  A warm current surged from his heart. Wei Lilu carefully gathered the ticket in his palm, raised his head and showed a bright smile to Wei Chengze: "Yeah!"

  Seeing Wei Lilu's smile, Wei Chengze's face He was stunned for a moment, then turned around in a disguised manner and walked towards his room: "I still have some work to finish, so don't call me before dinner."

  Wei Lilu:...

  looking at the sound of "bang" being heard After closing the door that blocked his view, Wei Lilu couldn't help turning his head and looked at Yan Li who had a slightly funny expression on his side, with a serious look on his face: "Textbook tsundere."

  Yan Li:... ...

  At this time, shouldn't he complain?

  After complaining about his father calmly, Wei Lilu ignored Yan Li, who looked troubled, and just lowered his head and looked at the tickets in his hand happily.

  There are two tickets, one for adults and one for students. As long as you think about it for a moment, you will know that it is absolutely impossible for someone to force it on the roadside like Wei Chengze said.

  "I didn't say anything." Yan Li's words stunned Wei Lilu for a moment. She looked up at him inexplicably, only to see him smiling and pointing to the ticket in his hand.

  Wei Lilu lowered his head in confusion, and his eyes fell on the time printed on it, and he was suddenly startled.

  Tomorrow evening?

  Wei Lilu suddenly thought of her embarrassing crying yesterday, and the test paper that was spread out on the table and came into Wei Chengze's sight without any cover.

  Presumably after that, Wei Chengze called her teacher specifically to find out about her recent situation. That's why I suddenly bought tickets to the amusement park and scheduled the time for the parent-teacher conference?

  It was as if my heart had been lightly touched by something soft, and there was an indescribable touch.

  Suddenly I felt that I was just asking for trouble when I struggled so much before.

  Thinking of this, the corners of Wei Lilu's mouth couldn't help but rise.

  This is the feeling of family...

  After taking a long breath, Wei Lilu put away the tickets in his hand, took out today's homework from his schoolbag and put it on the table.

  In fact, these things are not so annoying.

  "Then you do your homework first, and I'll cook dinner. If there's anything you don't know how to do, leave it blank until I finish it, and then I'll teach you." Seeing Wei Lilu's movements, Yan Li smiled and said.

  "Yeah, okay." He raised his head and grinned at Yan Li. Wei Lilu was obviously in a good mood. Seeing this, Yan Li couldn't help but stretched out his hand, rubbed her head, and then quickly dodged into the kitchen before her hair exploded.

  This guy seems... to be enjoying his current life.

  As the wooden door closed with a clanking sound, the smile on Yan Li's face disappeared, and the look in his eyes darkened.

  Then, let her be happy for a while longer.

  ——While Wei Chengze is still in the mood.

  Reaching out to take the apron on the side and put it on, Yan Li raised the corners of his lips slightly, and the smile on his face was a bit playful.

  As if he noticed something, Wei Chengze suddenly turned his head and glanced at the door, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

  "What's wrong?" 5438 asked after noticing Wei Chengze's movements.

  He felt that Wei Chengze probably really fell in love with learning various new skills that he didn't know. It used to be computer programming and biopharmaceuticals, but now it's architectural design.

  How should we say that as people live a long time, they will always have various interests?

  However, maybe Wei Chengze has learned this before. Compared to the previous two worlds, he is much more relaxed this time, and some of his works are even better than the original owner.

  Of course 5438 doesn't understand things in this industry, but just look at the prices of those designs and you can compare them.

  Glancing at the unfinished design draft on the computer screen, 5438 felt that he was witnessing the birth of an all-powerful male god.

  "It's nothing," Wei Chengze withdrew his gaze and curled his lips, "I just suddenly thought of something."

  "What's the matter?" Hearing Wei Chengze's words, 5438's curiosity was immediately aroused, and he hurriedly Ask.

  "Well, it's just..." At this point, Wei Chengze paused, then suddenly raised his head and showed a soft smile, "I won't tell you."


  I don't know how many times, 5438 had another thought. The urge to fool his host.

  "System," as if he knew what 5438 was thinking about in his mind, Wei Chengze leaned back slightly and leaned on the soft chair, his eyes fixed on the void slightly higher in front of him, "You said If intelligent robots really exist in this world..."

  "Huh?" Wei Chengze stopped mid-sentence. 5438, who just thought he would never express curiosity about Wei Chengze's words, still couldn't bear it. He asked, "What?"

  He followed Wei Chengze's line of sight, but only found a tiny stain on the plain wallpaper.

  I don't know since when, every time Wei Chengze talked to him, his eyes always stayed at that height, as if the person Wei Chengze was talking to was at that place.

  Wei Chengze's gesture made 5438 feel flustered inexplicably.

  "If there really are intelligent robots," Wei Chengze paused and continued, "can you transfer them to their control center?"

  It's like transferring data from one computer to another. The same goes among them.

  "...Huh?" As if he couldn't understand Wei Chengze's words, 5438 was stunned for a while, and then asked in a panic, "Why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

  Because he disliked him for always making trouble in his mind. Too upset, because I don't want to pay attention to him anymore, or because... I discovered something?

  Wei Chengze didn't speak when he heard this. His eyes that were still in the air looked down slightly, and finally landed on the unfinished design drawing on the screen.

  It was a design drawing of a private villa. From the partially drawn drawing, one could see how exquisite the appearance was. However, what was even more eye-catching was the extremely complex circuit configuration on it.

  After staring at the design drawing for a long time, 5438 finally remembered that Wei Chengze seemed to have mentioned before that this customer was a fan of artificial intelligence and had always believed that artificial intelligence would become a reality in the future, so even he wanted to live there Wherever we are, we must prepare for that future from the very beginning.

  If you really want to say it, this is more than a fanatical level, right? It's just a little bit crazy.

  5438 wanted to laugh, but for some reason, he couldn't.

  Did Wei Chengze really think of this problem just because of this?

  Staring at Wei Chengze's overly calm expression, 5438's mood was indescribably complicated. He was a little confused as to whether he was afraid of something...or looking forward to something.

  Looking away from the screen, Wei Chengze sighed softly and broke the slightly long silence: "Can't you?"

  "...Yeah." After a while, 5438 responded dullly.

  "Although it is also data, if you want to achieve transfer, it must 'exist' in this world, and there must be a certain 'carrier.'" Just like those artificial intelligences, they are actually written in the hardware. Program, rather than floating in the air out of thin air, without a specific body, "Although I can talk to you, I don't actually appear in 'this world.'" And he is not relying on Wei Chengze's brain exists, so even if Wei Chengze's brain is transplanted into the robot's head, it will not have any effect.

  After speaking out the unified answer to similar questions, 5438 was unexpectedly calm.

  There are many people who want to give hosts to the system entities that have been following them, but none of them have actually succeeded in doing this.

  From the moment they chose this path, there was no way back.

  In order to avoid unnecessary losses, this logical explanation is necessary.

  And this official and formal statement is much more convincing than the lame excuses he found himself.

  "Really?" Wei Chengze raised his eyebrows, his tone was a little careless, and he didn't know if he believed what 5438 just said.

  "But speaking of it, I really didn't expect it." Not wanting to continue talking on this topic, 5438 quickly changed the topic, "So host, do you know how to be a good father?"

  I don't know if it was because you were in a certain place. The scene he saw in the fantasy world was because the characters Wei Chengze traveled through rarely had living parents. 5438 always felt that Wei Chengze was not good at this kind of thing. Therefore, when he came to this world, 5438 had no hope at all for Wei Chengze to be a peaceful father.

  However, it turns out that his host is indeed omnipotent - look at the heroine who is about to be raised as a father figure!

  Although there is also a feeling that Wei Lilu longed for family, 5438 felt that even a real father might not be able to do better than Wei Chengze.

  To be honest, 5438 was a little worried at the beginning. If he raised this daughter, he might accidentally become a lover. After all, what Wei Chengze is best at is flirting in a certain way, but now it seems, He does think too much.

  "Of course I don't know," Wei Chengze's answer made 5438 feel a little dazed, "I just perfectly performed a certain person's role."

  What this meant was that the original owner was like this. character, Wei Chengze is just playing the role of the original owner?

  Looking at Wei Chengze's narrowed eyes, 5438 inexplicably felt that there was a deeper meaning in Wei Chengze's words that he did not understand.

  However, Wei Chengze obviously did not allow him to think about the deep meaning of this.

  "System," drawing 5438's attention back, the corners of Wei Chengze's mouth were slightly raised, and his raised eyebrows were strangely attractive, "Do you like me?"

  5438:? !

  Suddenly hearing this, 5438 felt that his heart skipped a beat at that moment.

  Looking at Wei Chengze's slightly smiling face, 5438 took a while to recover.

  This was not the first time Wei Chengze asked him this question. Although he dealt with it vaguely the previous time, 5438 did not feel that his thoughts could be hidden from this person who seemed to be able to see through his thoughts at any time.

  ——What Wei Chengze wants is not the answer.

  The panic and dizziness just now subsided, and a slightly bitter taste spread in his heart. 5438 was silent for a long time before answering Wei Chengze's question: "I'm just a system." "

  Like" cannot and should not exist. This feeling.

  Wei Chengze lowered his eyes when he heard this, and the smile on his lips faded little by little. The long eyelashes cast thick shadows under his eyes, making it difficult to see the expression in his eyes.

  After a long time, he chuckled: "Is that so..."

  "It seems that I am too sentimental."

  His heart suddenly lurched, 5438 looked towards Wei Chengze, but only saw his perfect face like a mask. A gentle smile.

  The crisp lines outline the panoramic view of the building, and the unique design makes people's eyes brighten, but 5438's heart slowly sinks.

  Did he...miss something?

  However, Wei Chengze would never answer his question.

  The hands on the clock moved forward without stopping, and the sky outside the window darkened and brightened again, with a touch of ruthless kindness.

  When people are looking forward to something, time becomes extra long.

  Wei Lilu stared at the indicator on the clock above the blackboard, calculating how long it was until the appointment with Wei Chengze.

  She seemed to have truly become a thirteen-year-old girl, excitedly looking forward to the upcoming fantasy adventure. Those lives filled with blood and death became extremely distant in an instant, like a dream.

  When the school bell rang, Wei Lilu didn't even have time to clean up the things on the table. He swept them all into his schoolbag and hurried out of the classroom. He turned his head in shock and wanted to say something to her. The tablemate who ordered something had his glasses crooked.

  "Dad! Uncle Yan!" Wei Lilu shouted after finding a familiar figure under the tree at the school gate, and ran over happily.

  Because of the upcoming parent-teacher meeting, there were many parents waiting outside the school gate, and the usually spacious gate seemed a lot more crowded now.

  "Okay, you go and play, leave this to me." He smiled and rubbed Wei Lilu's head. Yan Li reached out and took out the car key from his pocket and handed it to Wei Chengze, "You know where the car is parked, right?" "

  ..." His eyes stayed on the key in Yan Li's hand for a while. Wei Chengze raised his head and looked at Yan Li, with a serious expression on his face that made people feel a little nervous. "I didn't have a driver's license

  in his previous life ." What did I do to offend the God of Luck? I took the third-level exam three times, but I met the same coach with a bad temper and failed him mercilessly. Finally, he gave up on this impossible task.

  Yan Li:...

  Wei Lilu:...

  He used to wonder why Wei Chengze didn't buy a car. Is this the case?

  "Ahem," Yan Li coughed heavily while suppressing his smile, and took back the hand holding the key, "Then you can take a taxi there. There should be a lot of cars here."

  "Okay." Wei Chengze heard this. He nodded, took Wei Lilu's hand and prepared to leave, but after taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "Don't say he is my boyfriend!"

  Yan Li: ...

  pitiful He moved his gaze to Wei Lilu. Seeing the helpless look on the other person's face, Yan Li rubbed his cheeks bitterly and walked into the school gate.

  Although there is a lot of traffic in front of the school, it happens to be the time after get off work, so it is not that easy to get a taxi. Wei Chengze led Wei Lilu and walked forward for a long distance before he successfully stopped a taxi without passengers.

  After Wei Chengze got into the back seat of the car, Wei Lilu glanced at the hands they were holding, and the smile on his face became a little brighter.

  Turning her head to look at the school that was about to disappear from sight, she blinked and suddenly said: "Actually, Uncle Yan is a very nice person." At this point, she paused before continuing, "I didn't mean to let you Accept him right away, but...well, at least don't let him sleep on the sofa anymore?"

  Even she couldn't help but feel the way that guy hugged the quilt and looked at Wei Chengze's door pitifully every night. pity.

  "What benefits did he give you?" Wei Chengze raised his eyebrows when he heard Wei Lilu's words, and his words hit home.

  Wei Lilu: ...Do you dare to speak a little more tactfully?

  "Um... a new mobile phone?" After hesitating for a while, Wei Lilu still sold his teammates out without moral integrity.

  After hearing this, there was silence for a moment, and Wei Chengze asked, "When will I take you to buy

  something?" "..." Looking at Wei Chengze's obviously scheming look, Wei Lilu tilted his head.

  Why is this reaction different from what I expected?

  "Next week." Of course, this does not prevent her from selling someone more thoroughly.

  "Remember to choose the more expensive one." Wei Chengze nodded and instructed.

  Wei Lilu:...

  "The sofa?" After hesitating, Wei Lilu made a sound to test.

  "No need to sleep." Turning his head to look out the window, Wei Chengze's mouth corners raised slightly, "It's almost a month anyway."

  Wei Lilu: ...

  Although she didn't know what the reason was, she felt that Yan Yan was inexplicably Li Hao looked like he was at a disadvantage.

  However, it is estimated that even if someone knew that Wei Chengze had secretly tricked him, he would just wag his tail and get in on it, right?

  Thinking of Yan Li's eyes only for Wei Chengze, Wei Lilu couldn't help but want to laugh. She felt that even if Wei Chengze asked him to pole dance in a grass skirt, he would do it as long as it made Wei Chengze happy.

  Wei Lilu had never experienced the feeling of being completely occupied by one person, but the way that person looked at Wei Chengze was enough to make her realize something.

  She was very happy that Wei Chengze could meet such a person. Regardless of gender or age, he is just that kind of person.

  Turning his head to look at Wei Chengze, who had a slight smile in his eyes, the corners of Wei Lilu's lips also turned up. Regarding Yan Li's feelings, Wei Chengze must be much clearer than her.

  The queue outside the amusement park was not long, and the two of them only stood there for a few minutes before passing the ticket gate.

  Although Wei Chengze only chose to come to the amusement park at this time because of the parents' meeting, I have to say that this time was indeed chosen well.

  There are less than four hours before the amusement park closes, and it is the weekend. Most people will not choose to come here at this time, so the amusement park that should be quite crowded seems to be extremely spacious at this time— —Although it's not like there are no other people left, the situation is much better than imagined.

  Looking at the numerous entertainment items with his eyes wide open, Wei Lilu couldn't help but feel a little excited, and he unconsciously tightened his grip on Wei Chengze's hand.

  There is a feeling...that a dream has come true.

  very nice.

One Hundred Ways to Whitewash Villains [Quick Wear] ━ Vol.1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora