Prologue: Sith Crusade

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The Steadfast, Coruscant (35 ABY),

It is a bright day in Coruscant as newly appointed Emperor Kylo Ren was in his quarters communing with Darth Vader's old helmet a few days after the First Order's and the Sith victory on Korriban.

"I've come a long way," Ren said to the helmet. "We are in the midst of victory, but in a stage of eternal war. I will not fail you for as long as I live, there will be order and a better future ahead of us. I can feel it."

As he briefly picked up Leia's lightsaber and the Skywalker lightsaber, his holoprojector started to flash and Supreme Commander Taloh Matarrin and High Lady Vestara Khai appeared as a hologram.

"My Emperor," Taloh said. "Lucian is en route to Ajan Kloss to scope out the defenses. We are standing by once he gives the all clear."

"Very good," Ren said. "Prepare the Knight and the Prestige to engage the Resistance and the Old Republic fleet. I will join you once you've engaged."

"Understood," Taloh said.

"Lady Khai, I want you to capture my sister Jaina Solo," Ren said. "It's time that she returns to me we could use her help to defeat the Jedi and the Old Republic we will send a few commando units to reinforce you and Lord Matarrin."

"Yes my lord," Vestara replied.

Resistance Base, Ajan Kloss,

Finn and Poe were holding a funeral for Rey and Leia in the aftermath of the disastrous battle on Korriban as they feel that Rey and Leia's sacrifice did not benefit them for very long as the Sith and the First Order seized planets with ease with no end to the conflict in sight.

"All of the sacrifices that we made along the way and for what?" Finn said sadly as two resistance soldiers covered Rey and Leia's bodies. "There is no end in sight and our enemies only get stronger."

"You heard Rey's last words," Poe said. "We must live if we are to win in the future."

"You're right," Finn said as Chewbacca gave a sad roar. "We must not stop. Now is the time to fight and show the galaxy that light can triumph over darkness."

As the Resistance and Jedi forces continued to mourn, Lucian emerged from hyperspace aboard a stolen Resistance transport pod and transmitted clearance codes in order for him to land on the surface,

As Lucian made it past the Resistance and Old Republic blockade, he landed his transport pod in the middle of a jungle somewhat far from the base, he quietly walked out of the ship and hid in the shadows since it was nighttime. He then started to proceed near the base and looked through his quadnoculars.

He noticed that there were several parked X-wings next to him which he using the back of the ship and the bushes for cover as he continues to scope around in sniper position. Lucian then pushed a button on his wrist as he gestured to Taloh's ID-10 droid, S1-04 to scan the defenses as he continued to keep his eyes out for any soldiers coming their way. As the droid evaded any sensors and cautiously evaded the eyes of Resistance personnel, S1 then revealed a detailed layout of the Resistance's defenses and began to transmit the projection back to Coruscant as the droid then went back to the pod.

Lucian then quickly and quietly placed detonators below a few X-wings and scurried away from the base as he detonated the explosives and fled via his jet pack and took up sniper position from atop a cliff. As S1 returned to him, he contacted the First Order Triumvirate to begin the siege.

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