Chapter 1: The Quiet Night

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The air was thick with tension, making it hard to breathe. She lay on her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. It was only 10 pm, but she had already given up on the day, retreating to her room where her parents assumed, she was fast asleep. But sleep was a distant fantasy for her now. How could she rest when her life felt like it was falling apart? She had nothing to look forward to tomorrow – no classes to attend, no friends to hang out with, no hobbies to lose herself in. 

It was like she was stuck in limbo, with no purpose and no direction. Her parents moved around the house, unaware of the turmoil brewing inside their daughter. To them, her early bedtime was just a routine, a signal that everything was fine. Little did they know, she was drowning in her own thoughts, suffocating under the weight of her own disappointment and despair. She couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, like the cracked ceiling above her was a reflection of her shattered dreams. Every tick of the clock felt like a countdown to nowhere, a reminder of all she had lost. With no degree to pursue and no friends to turn to, she felt lost and alone. The darkness closed in around her, engulfing her in a suffocating embrace. 

How could she ever find peace when her mind was a battlefield, torn between hope and hopelessness? And so, she lay there, lost in a sea of uncertainty, longing for a glimpse of light in the darkness. But sleep remained elusive, leaving her to face the night alone, with nothing but her thoughts for company.

She rolled over, the glow of her phone cutting through the darkness like a beacon. With a heavy sigh, she reached out and grabbed it, unlocking the screen to reveal a notification from Ryan. Her heart sank at the sight of his name, knowing that he was just one of many who had been left in the dark about her sudden withdrawal from life. 

His message was a barrage of questions, each one a painful reminder of the walls she had built around herself. Why had she shut everyone out? Why had she deactivated her Instagram? Why can't he see her profile picture? What was all those concerning status about? Ryan's words echoed the concerns of so many others who had tried and failed to reach her for the past hours.

She hesitated, her thumb hovering over the keyboard as she struggled to find the words to explain the unexplainable. How could she tell him that she didn't know why she had shut down life? That every day felt like a battle she was losing, with no end in sight? But something inside her urged her to reach out, to let him in even just a little bit. With trembling fingers, she began to type, pouring her heart out in a series of messages that bared her soul in a way she hadn't dared to do in weeks. But then she paused. 

What difference would it make? She stared at the screen, the questions from Ryan burning into her like hot coals. Frustration welled up inside her, mingling with the overwhelming sense of helplessness that had become her constant companion. With a sudden surge of anger, she deleted her half-typed response, watching the words disappear with a bitter sense of defeat.

In one swift motion, she tossed the phone aside, the sound of it clattering against the bedside table echoing through the silent room. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders, if only for a moment. But deep down, she knew that running away from the questions wouldn't make them disappear. As she lay there in the darkness, the silence closing in around her once more, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was losing herself bit by bit. But for now, all she could do was bury her face in the pillow and try to drown out the noise, one breath at a time.

Minutes stretched into hours as she lay there, lost in a haze of uncertainty. The faint glow of her phone taunted her from where it lay discarded, a reminder of the world she had left behind. But she couldn't bring herself to reach for it, couldn't bear to face the questions and expectations that awaited her on the other side of the screen. Outside her window, the world carried on without her, oblivious to the storm raging within. Cars passed by in a blur of headlights, their distant hum a stark contrast to the deafening silence of her own mind. 

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