'Is that a baby?' Izuku blurted out, running over to the crib, his dæmon fluttering by his head as a bird.

'Izuku, please!' Sister Fenella cried. Izuku looked into the crib and his mouth dropped open in shock.

'Oh wow,' he said,'it is a baby.' The baby stared up at him with wide golden eyes. Dark red hair tumbled across its tiny forehead and its lips were slightly parted. 'It's a boy, right?'

'Yes, Izuku, now please-'

'He's beautiful!' Izuku scooped him up and the baby gave a wobbly smile. 'He's not your baby is he, Sister Fenella?'

'Course he isn't!' She's far too old to have a baby?' The rude remark was made by Kacchan, who had barged into the Kitchen. His dæmon was an angry Pomeranian at his ankles. Izuku gasped; Kacchan was usually rude but this crossed a line.

'Kacchan! You can't say that!' He scolded, rocking the baby.

'Why not? It's true!' Kacchan responded, his dæmon changing into an eagle and flew up to his shoulder.

'So what? Doesn't mean you can say it!'

'Shut up, Deku!' Kacchan grumbled, placing his bowl on the table. 'So whose baby is it?' Sister Fenella frowned.

'I can't tell you that, Izuku, Katsuki. I was-'

'Sure you can!' Izuku chirped. 'We won't tell anyone, please Sister!' Kacchan nodded, surprisingly quiet.

'Oh, very well. But you must promise to never tell a soul, the both of you.' Both boys looked at each other, the nodded.

'We swear it.' They said in unison. Sister Fenella's rabbit-dæmon hopped over to her feet.

'That baby's name is Notaru and his parents...'She trailed off, then resumed. 'Notaru's parents-'

'Abandoned him?' Kacchan interrupted.

'No, Katsuki. They..his parents' are...I'm sure you've heard of at least one, they're a detective and a scholar, called Hawks.' Izuku's green green eyes grew round with astonishment.

'What? But....but, Hawks-'

'Shut up and let her finish the story, Deku.'

'Sorry.' Izuku squeaked, his dæmon changing into a mouse and perching on his shoulder. Notaru's dæmon peeped out of the blankets as a baby bird. Izuku didn't know birds well enough to place it.

'Natoru's other father-'

'Wait, other father?' Kacchan interrupted in disbelief.

'Now who's interrupting?'

'Shut up, Deku.'

'Natoru's other father is Dabi.' The atmosphere immediately became tense. 'As I am sure you are aware, Dabi is a member of the Oxford Mafia and a dangerous man. The court deemed both parents unsafe to raise-'

'One,' Kacchan held a finger up, 'why is it the court's business what happens to Natoru? Two, how does a scholar and detective such as Hawks, end up having an affair with a member of the Oxford Mafia?'

'To answer your first question Katsuki, the child was born out of wedlock. Two, no ones knows. And by don't know, I mean almost no other people know about this. So, for the love of God, keep this secret, do you understand?' Sister Fenella explained, wagging her finger at them. She got up and pottered over to Izuku.

As soon as she took the baby, Natoru started crying. Kacchan's eyes narrowed but Izuku just stepped back and watched Sister Fenella walk off with the baby. Still crying.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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