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Name: Henry Everdeen

age: 18

height: 6'9'

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height: 6'9'

Personality: smart, brave, strong will, not afraid of anything (except his friends or family deaths) protective of his family and friends.

likes: hunting, his bow, his family, the ghost crew, Sabine Wren, Peeta, Haymitch, flying, watching the stars.  secretly like alcohol (blame Haymitch) freedom, and peace.

Hates: The Capital, PRESIDENT SNOW, Peacekeepers, his family and friends hurt, the Hunger Games, Alma Coin, The Empire, Emperor, Darth Vader, those impose fear, someone taking his bow.

Skills: Archery, knives, blaster, parkour, hand to hand combat, flying ships (soon) swordsmanship (depends on the vote).


(Better suit)

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(Better suit)

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night vision 

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night vision 

thermal night vision (it's the advance grey color one)

target guidance.



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