After all that has happened

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A/N - sorry this is rlly quick burn, I also had 0 inspiration and have too many enemies to lovers, Hermione also wasn't thinking straight (she was thinking bi) so got mad for a petty reason ik, don't judge me.

Hermione POV:

My fingers traced the spines of books as I walked past the bookshelf. Pulling out a book about the myths of Dragons I smiled to myself.

I looked around, the library was normally empty but it seemed quieter today. Only me and the librarian, I wondered why as I walked to my normal book nook but it seemed...occupied.

"Oh hey!" I jumped in surprise and took a step back, Parkinson was sat at my usual spot, that would explain why the library is so empty. Her head bent over an open book on the table.

"Hey, sorry am I in your spot?" She asked me as I blushed a bit and looked away.

"No, I'll just leave." I quietly muttered, her hand touched mine as she pulled me back, my blush grew as I shook it away.

"No I'll leave, I mean it is your spot I can just move." She got up as I pushed her back into her chair, she fell back surprised as I sat in the seat opposite her.

"We can share it, as long as you aren't one of those loud readers." I chuckled lightly as she smiled a bit.

We read quietly together for a while, my eyes frequently left my pages to look at Parkinson, she was in her prime, beautiful and stunning even when reading and occupied. Her body twitched a bit as my eyes quickly went back to the book, my hand moving to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

The silence became more unbearable, so quiet I could hear a pin drop. Suddenly I slammed my book shut, I was stuck re-reading the first page, the silence was too much to be able to concentrate. Just realising how much noise I probably made my eyes moved to look at Parkinson, she had also left behind the pages of her study book and was watching me, wide eyed and eyebrows raised, pretty cute I'll add.

"Sorry I just didn't feel like reading." I apologised with a mutter.

"Nah it's fine, I didn't know that was possible for you Granger, since you're like a huge bookworm." She smirked, it soon faded as I noticed a red tint show on her face as she hurriedly looked down in humiliation.

"Or that's what I heard." She added quietly.

The sight was so peculiar, I hadn't thought of anyone from Slytherin to be so non smug, Malfoy had surprised me, but this was the girl that seemed so smug and proud, the girl who had so easily snitched on Harry to Voldemort, the one that hated me and other for being muggleborn, tormenting us relentlessly for 7 years, and here the girl was acting as though we were friends, making me sick.

What made me more sick was the fact I actually liked that.

"I'm sorry Granger for everything." She suddenly said as I looked at her bewildered by her apology, the words 'I'm sorry' had never left her mouth, yet she was apologising to me a muggle born?

"For what?" I asked her

"Everything, I remember those 7 years, the number of times the m word left my mouth, and you were able to put up with that shit." She mumbled looking down as I put my hand on her shoulder and rubbed it supportively, her eyes moved to her shoulder and my hand.

"It's fine Parkinson. I get it, you were forced by your parents, but I'd much rather if you didn't act like that's all you did." I added a bit more sternly as my hand left her shoulder. Quickly grabbing my bag and book I left the library without looking back.

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