The One to Always Get Hurt...

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  • Dedicated to Isaan Meeks

Chapter Two...

Andre and I had finally got up to leave just as the bell that signaled the end of the day rang though out the halls.  Andre had said he had to go to work this afternoon, but I knew he was lying, but I tried hard not to think about it.

"Once I get home from work, I'll make us dinner and we'll sit down and watch the movie you wanted." he said, stepping in front of me.

"Kay, whatever you say," I muttered, keeping my head down to avoid his gaze.

"Bell, what's the matter?" Andre asked, tilting my head up to make me look at him.

Instead of answering his question, I asked my own, "Andre, why are you lying to me?"

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, then he sighed in frustration and guilt.  He ran a hand through his hair before he finally answered the question.

"I've got a date tonight, I just didn't want you to think I was blowing you off for some other." Andre replied, sounding guilt ridden.

I was a bit upset, so I punched him.  Andre clutched his stomach groaning in pain.  I was satisfied with the agonizing expression on his face, so I just ran past him; feeling the tears brimming my eye lids fall over and onto my cheek and down my face.  I knew he had recovered because I could hear his feet slapping the tile floors in hot pursuit to catch me, which only made me run faster.  But, then again, he was faster than me, and his legs were longer than mine.  I felt Andre's arms snake around my waist and then felt him pull me into his chest.  The lingering students in the hallway had stopped their conversations to see what was going on.

"I'm so sorry," Andre murmured into my ear as he wiped away my tears.

I whirled around to face him, but once I saw the sad expression on his face, my anger vanished.

I placed my hand on his chest and told him, "Go have fun on your date, I can wait."

"Really?" Andre asked with an ear to ear grin on his face.

I nodded my head; I'd be able to find something to do while he was gone.  Andre ran out the door, yelling a thank you and see you at home later, over his shoulder.  I chuckled as he almost fell head first down the stairs leading to the sidewalk.

Walking home by myself wasn't very eventful until I reached the gas station.  There were three wannabe gangsters standing near one of the gas pumps and when they spotted me, they started walking towards me.

"Hey baby, why don't you come with us and let us show you a good time." one suggested, a look of pure wanting on his face.

"How 'bout no, and say we did?" I snapped, disgusted.

The two other guys the other one was with started laughing at him and I stopped to glare at them.  That's when they lunged for me, but just as they were in reaching distance, I let my fist snap forward and connected it with one of the guys' jaw.  The other was close enough that I did a round house kick and nailed him in the chest, knocking him backwards and into a car.  I looked at the guy that was left, daring him to try and take me out, but he just ran to see if his buddy was okay, and that's when I made my escape.

Once I stepped into the house, I threw my bag down onto the table and collapsed on the couch.  When I was fully comfortable, I closed my eyes to rest until Andre when the nightmares came back.


I had been asleep for about and hour and a half when I shot straight up once the man had severed my sister's head again.  I ran to the bathroom and threw up.  When I walked into the kitchen, the first thing that my eyes landed on was the knife sitting on top of the counter.  I slowly made my way over to it, and once I had it in my hand, I pulled up my sleeve and sliced deep into the soft skin, hitting the most important vein in my arm.  Blood gushed out and I just stared at it before, finally my knees buckled from underneath me, and I passed out.

~Andre's POV~

I pulled into the driveway and saw that all the lights were off.  My date had gone horribly.  She didn't like popcorn while watching a movie so I was starving.  I decided once I got inside I was going to make dinner for Belle and I.  As I walked up the stone pathway to the wooden deck, I heard a crash inside.  I shoved open the door and was enveloped in darkness.  My hand shot out, searching the wall for the light switch, and when I found it, I flipped it on.  What I saw made my heart speed up and out of control, then causing it leap into my throat.

Belle lay on the floor, blood flowing out of one of her wrists, and a knife in the other.  I rushed over to her and lifted her, putting her on the island in the middle of the kitchen floor.  I grabbed a wash cloth and ran it under some warm water, then washed the blood from Belle's arm.  I pressed the cloth against the cut as I felt tears begin to make their way down my face.  Then I ran into the living room and dialed 911.  They were there within minutes and I jumped into the back of the ambulance with her, gripping her uninjured hand.

"Sir, did you do this to her?" one of the paramedics asked.

"No, I had just pulled into the driveway and walked into the house, turning on the lights and saw her there, lying on the ground.  I cleaned her up a bit before I called, and wrapped the wash cloth around her wrist." I replied with a sob.

The paramedic patted my shoulder, soothingly and said he was sorry for asking.  We arrived at the hospital shortly after and we all rushed Belle in through the entrance.  When the secretary and some of the nurses saw us, they called a doctor that was available and he came running down the stairs and around the corner.  His eyes landed on Belle and they widened in shock, and recognition.  I was confused for a minute then I realized it was the doctor that treated her for depression and anger.  Because of him, she could smile every day.


I sat in the waiting room for what felt like forever, when the doctor came out and tapped me on shoulder.  I nearly jumped out of my skin, I was so focused on the wall.

"Andre?" he asked, concerned.

"Yea?" I replied, hoping that he wasn't going to tell me we were too late.

"Belle's fine, but you need to keep an even closer eye on her now.  She told me that while you were on your date with quote, one of the schools bimbos, she fell asleep and had another nightmare." the doctor said, using his fingers to make air quotes.

 I nodded my head, happy to hear that Belle was okay, but when he told me that I couldn't go in to see her, I was absolutely furious.

"What do you mean, I can't see her?!" I all but shouted.

"She is resting and I don't want anyone to disturb her." he stated, sincerely.

My nostrils flared, and I rolled my eyes, but agreed not to do anything rash.  I stayed there during the night, just to keep myself from going insane when I got home.


~Belle's POV~

I was uncomfortable, so I tried to move around only to fall off the bed.  I opened my eyes to see myself in a hospital gown.

'Oh great, Andre saw me.' I thought guiltily to myself.

The room door slowly opened to reveal a concerned best friend.  The look on his face was filled with so much sorrow, I felt tears trickling down my cheeks.  Andre saw me sitting in a heap on the ground and rushed over to me; he lifted me up and laid me back on the little hospital cot.

"I'm so sorry Andre, it was just the dreams...." I tried, but Andre held up his hand, signaling me to stop.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone of that fucking date." Andre whispered; I thought I saw a tear run down his face.

I pulled his face up to look at me and saw that his eyes were red and puffy from crying.  I felt so bad that I yanked him to my chest and cried on his shoulder, sobbing and telling him how sorry I was for causing him this much stress.


(A/N) this is all I got for right now, I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow when I'm done writing it.

Comment on this and tell me whether or not I should continue... thnx





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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2011 ⏰

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