Chapter 1

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"It was just like last time. Only this time, it started in a hospital..."

[Heart beat]

[Phone ringing]

A young Sal with a hospital gown on, Bloody bandages covering his face except one eye, and his blue hair sticking out of some parts in the bandages walked over to the wall and turned on the lights. He walked to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" Sal spoke into the phone. "It's okay Sal...Everything is going to be okay now... Come and see..." The voice spoke through the phone."Where am i?" Sal asked the man on the other line.

"Don't worry about that, just come find me.." Just like that, the man on the other line hung up. "Weird. It sounded like my dad." Sal said to himself before putting the phone back down.



He walked over to the other side of the hospital room, the side with the hospital bed. Walking past, you could see that the bed had blood stains not only on the pillow but the bed itself. Sal pushed a cabinet looking side table to the side and found a key.



He picked it up happily, "a key!" He said to himself, walking over to the door. He unlocked the door and walked into the hallway. He opened another door that had the letter 'D' on it. He opened it and went inside to be met with more doors. This went on for a minute. He ended up spelling 'DOG' before he got outside. It was pouring down rain, and a group of people with umbrellas stood in a huddle around something.

Sal walked past the group of people and found a dog laying near a tree. "Who's a good doggy? Who's a good boy? " Sal asked in a higher voice. The dog was weird looking. The dog had gray-ish brown fur and bright yellow eyes. "I buried her alive, kid. You tell me." The dog spoke in a raspy voice. "Huh?" Sal squeaked in concern. "Go see for yourself. " The dog spoke again.

As Sal moved, the dog had Dissapeard into thin air. Sal quessed where to go and went back to where the group of people were supposed to be, but only to be met with a grave that had been dug up. Sal climbed down into the grave and was now walking in under group tunnels. The tunnels let to a hospital hallway. Sal looked and saw a key pad next to a door. He typed in the code '122' and then entered. The pad lock broke, and sal walked freely into the room.

The room had tattered wallpaper, but sal didn't seem to mind as he kept walking. He stopped walking when he saw his father. His father wore a gray sweat shirt, brown jeans, green shoes, and had the same unique blue hair as sal. "Dad?" Sal called to his father. "You are not my son. My son is not a murderer...." Sal's dad Denied.

Sal's dad Dissapeard into this air, while Sal kept walking forward. As he walked, the wall and floor were covered in blood spelling.'THIS IS YOUR FAULT' Sal nervously kept walking, trying to ignore the writing. A small door opened. This was a morge.

Another door opened as he walked, except that one had feet in it. As Sal kept walking, he finally stopped in front of a bed. "M-mom?" Sal called out, looking at his mom in the hospital bed. "....Are you?" He stopped himself mid-sentance. The woman, Sal's mother, was very pale. She had long now dull blonde hair, and her eyes were closed.

"And that's when I woke up." A now older Sal with longer hair that was down, said to a man with a mustache and clipboard. "Hmm, yes, it's an interesting dream. " the man said. He had a deep but sorta Breath-y voice. "I think we should come back to that dream later, but for now, can you tell me more about the body?" The man asked.

"Which one?" Sal asked, kinda sarcasticly. The man, however, didn't seem to notice. "The second one, the one from the apartment."


Stopping here! The second chapter should be out tomorrow! Byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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