Chapter 2: FAULT

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THE PATH WAS DRY and seemed like it wouldn't ever end. The desperate nature circled around us, crying out for help as it felt the muddy imprints our shoes left. The naked trees never seemed sadder swaying in the wailing wind, but it wasn't something I could help. I wanted to do something, but with my luck I would just trip over myself and fall.

Silence followed us while we walked, the only noise we could hear was the kicking of our shoes as we hit the dry trail. Eventually, I started a kicking a rock with me while we walked. I could tell something was on Ayana's mind, but I didn't want to pry.

Some time passed, and Ayana stopped, and looked at me, "You know I only want the best for us, right?"

I'm sure she was probably still thinking that I was upset over taking the stuff in the tents, but I wasn't. She wasn't wrong when she said we would die unless we think about ourselves. Ayana is the last person in the world I consider a friend, an ally, even family. Without her I would be as good as dead.

"Yeah, I know Ay," I paused a second before looking at her, "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time."

"I don't want to be mean, but right now us living is my priority. Those people should have taken their things with them."

She was trying to justify her actions. Which is fine, I get it, I don't blame her. The only reason she's thinking of what she did as a bad thing is because of me, so I guess it's partly my fault too.

"It's alright, okay? We just need to find somewhere we can live, somewhere to call home again y'know?"

"Rion, I don't even know if a place to call home exists anymore."

"Then we'll make it exist, duh."

The idea of making home didn't seem impossible, I felt like if it was with Ayana, it could be done. I knew I could rely on her, and she could rely on me.

At least, that's what I thought until the ground started rumbling, and the rock I was kicking started to violently shake, along with the rest of the gravel and mud next to it.

"Earthquake!" I heard Ayana yell before I was abruptly tackled, "Get down!"

The ground was still shaking, but the nature around us was perfectly still.

"Aya, I don't think this is an—"

A loud shriek echoed throughout the unmoving air "RAVER PLUDER" is what it sounded like. (I know, very descriptive.)


We dashed off the bare-ground, not wasting a second. If we had loose footing on a soon-to-be-battleground, there would be no way for us to win a fight. We landed in a patch of quivering grass, and bolted towards the trees.

"What now, another monster?" I asked, tired of the relentless attackers.

"No, it's the same one from last time," she scoffed and shook her head, "I knew I didn't get it."

"What? You mean it didn't die?"

"I think I hit some of it, but you know I can't really control what happens."

This new revelation was cut short by yet another shriek, this one closer and more audible, "RAVAGE OR PLUNDER" it said.

Ayana grabbed my arm and started running, "I can run myself you know, let go!"

"No, if you get hurt it's on me!" She turned her head to look at me, "I didn't kill it. I can't let that happen."

"Ay, it's fine, this thing is both of our problems, not just you—"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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