wake up in some dream..

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 she open her eyes when she realized the place she was..

suddenly there some voice of man that was speaking..

"ahh so you already woke up?" the man use some crow mask to close his eyes and it's making him weird..

"ah..yes i'm.."

"well you better get hurry the ceremony is about to start,let's goo"

he uses his magic to move into the place call the mirror chamber..when suddenly the arrive in the  magic mirror there were so many student's that gathering in there..

[y/n] pov: oh sh*t, i didn't know the place is gonna be like this, the game doesn't sound like thiss!!! oh wait.. i see something.. that i know..

her eyes spotted to someone, it's some guy with some little cat.. with fiery ears?

(y/n) pov: waitt that's mean i'm not the MC i'm only a side character?! that's mean that is..Yuuka..? the female MC..? gosh that broke my heartt..is that mean i could join some dorm too?please not ramshackle dormm!!

suddenly someone call her name..
"[y/n] you're up next just go to the magic mirror and said you're name okay?"

"yes, headmage"

she walk to the magic mirror as she said her name, the magic mirror close their eyes before they open it again and they speak

"it's kinda shocking, but seems like your magic is not to strong and you come out really extrovert..great job your dorm is.."

(can you guess what dorm she enter?)
(hope you enjoy the short story of minee :>)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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