The Seventh Dream

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The sun arrived right on cue. It streamed in through Frank Diggory’s slatted glass window, easily penetrating through his thin curtains and quickly lit up the room. Within seconds, it’s glow fell on Frank’s weary eyes and jolted them awake.

He grinned.

The darkness had fled from his room. The nightmare had gone.

He needed no alarm clock, or cockerel, to tell him it was morning.

He was awake. Wide awake.

And ready for another day in Paraiso.

He followed his routine to the letter. He almost danced downstairs just out of sheer relief. He knew who he was. He knew how he had got here. He knew the man he wanted to be. He knew the love of a beautiful woman.

What could possibly go wrong?

He got washed quickly, singing loudly and out of tune. Then he darted upstairs to get dressed. As usual, he put the radio on.

But this time, Fairground Attraction wasn’t playing. Instead, it was some maudlin Tagalog love song he didn’t understand.

How odd, he thought to himself.

But still, no biggie. He could cope with less than perfect today.

He put on his work clothes – the same work clothes he always wore. But this time, with a huge mischievous grin on his face. He and Emet had a plan. He would go to work. She would follow on a little later on her motorcycle. He would go to the office, but sneak out the back door. And then they would play hooky from work together and go to Cuatro Islas, which Emet had assured him were stunning.

He couldn’t wait.

He got ready and ran across the empty road, past the drowsy dogs, for breakfast.

Again, something was a bit odd. He was expecting to hear an overture of Wet Wet Wet’s cover of The Troggs’ ‘Love is All Around’. Instead, he heard another maudlin ballad.

He opened the door of Kainan Paraiso. It dinged the same as it always did.

That was strangely comforting.

He greeted Alberto and Andrea, the same way he always did, using the one phrase of Bisaya that he had learned, ‘Maayong buntag!’

They greeted him back.

‘Sir Frank, what will be your order for this morning? I should tell you, there may be a small delay as we haven’t got anything prepared for you.’ Alberto told him.

‘I think I'll have a tosilog this morning, please, Alberto.’ Frank told him.

Frank's eyebrows raised in surprise. He wasn’t used to this afam ordering Filipino food. ‘Okay lang, tosilog it is.’

‘Oh, and would it be possible to change the music, please? I’d like to hear Wet Wet Wet’s “Love is All Around” while I eat.’ Frank told him.

‘I like that one. I sing it a lot at videoke. Usually when Ma’am Luz is in the CR. No problem, Sir Frank. I will also change the music.’ Alberto told him, before disappearing into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the first few chords of ‘Love is All Around’ could clearly be heard from the restaurant speakers. Frank sat back and enjoyed the wonderful song, while gazing longingly at Emet’s front door.

Where was she?

The song played through to the end. Alberto knew how Frank liked his breakfast, so the song was on repeat. By the time the song was less than halfway through, Frank’s tosilog (spiced fried pork, fried egg and rice) was on the table.

Comfort Room - Or The Seven Dreams of Frank DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now