The strange bite

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Soon Riley fell into the water she started to black out, Riley kept going deeper and deeper until she hit the ocean floor. She tried to swim up but it was too late she couldn't hold her breath any longer she closed her eyes then all a sudden felt a bite in the leg then felt somebody push her up to the surface, before she could react or open her eyes Riley blacked out for a few seconds then she woke up and was floating in the ocean.

She looked around then saw the shore it was completely normal, nobody was freaked out that she totally screwed up and basically almost drowned. She then looked for Logan and saw him at the fruit bar getting a smoothie while relaxing and talking to people. Riley got so fed up she almost forgot she was in the water, once Riley knew where she was she immediately started paddling to the shore. Once Riley stepped on land she fast walked to Logan with not a such friendly face.
" How dare you Logan I fell off my board and almost drowned in the ocean, you should of at least checked to see where I am," Riley fumed
" It's not my fault I'm supposed to babysit you," Logan growled
" Shut up Logan I thought you were a caring friend," Riley argued
" And I thought you weren't a cry baby!!!," Logan shouted
People started to stare at them then they laughed.
" Shut up just shut up!!!," Riley exclaimed as she started to cry
" Maybe we should call you cry baby for now on," Riley heard someone say
Riley Wiped her tears then ran away. She saw a sand mound and sat down on it, she began to look around then she looked down and saw a strange symbol on her leg that's where she felt a bite on her leg when she was in the water.
She looked at it in a angle and noticed it started to sparkle then all the strange sparkle started to glow. She started to shake her head then she looked back at her leg, the strange glowing sparkle went away but the symbol was still there, Riley thought her mind was just playing tricks so she decided to walked down and take a swim. So she walked down then went into the water and ran in, already waist deep. Riley stopped and felt something strong go into her system then all the sudden Riley fell into the water, when she looked at her legs it was a tail.

Under the waterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang